LLR Sept 2015 MediaStream



Mycelium Stream: working with our hands in the earth

“Mycelium are the soil magicians turning death into fertile loam, transferring resources underground; from one being to the next, to form the mycelial mat that sustains us all” Reverend Teri D. Ciacchi



Nature RX video: “Do you find yourself longing for apocalypse?” This video asks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=54&v=Bf5TgVRGND4

And here is a link from the same site to six great articles about the therapeutic benefirts of getting outdoors into nature: http://www.nature-rx.org/research/



It is Hawthorn Berry time on Oxytocin Acre! We have many trees full of berries and ripe for the taking. Feel free to  call Teri at 206-612-3511 to make a time to come out and gather them. Wonderful heart healing medicine can be made.

Recipes for Rowan Berries http://foragerchef.com/rowanberries/

Teri learned this Recipes for Hawthorne berries from Orion: Pick hawthorn berries from a tree, sort and wash, place in crick pot, cook over nigh, add honey to taste= Hawthorne berry syrup



images-17Bee Stream: working with our hearts in energetic embodiment practices

“Bees are the Radiant Heart field of the Gaiac Bodies” Reverend Teri D. Ciacchi




Videos and information generated by people who acknowledge the spiritual importance of bees and are working to preserve bee habitats:


Making a Log Hive by Gaia Bees: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28R67u-4efs


Bee Luminaries: Debra Roberts http://holybeepress.com/ in Ashville, NC


Rudolph Steiner’s “Nine Lectures on Bees written in 1923 are available as a pdf here:




Stardust Stream: “Understanding that we are channels for the Divine and that we must both rewrite and embody new mythologies as well as learn to think and behave constellation-ally is part of the work of Living Love Revolution.” Reverend Teri D. Ciacchi

“I am uplifted in thine heart and kisses, like stars rain down hard upon my body” Aleister Crowley


The Sacred Feminine and Entheogens video of Maria Papaspyrou speaking at July 2015 Breaking Conventions conference: https://vimeo.com/136135329


A new translation of Sappho’s Hymn to Aphrodite with author commentary:



The Sapphic stanza was imitated in English, using a line articulated into three sections (stressed on syllables 1, 5, and 10) as the Greek and Latin would have been, by Algernon Charles Swinburne in a poem he simply called Sapphics:

So the goddess fled from her place, with awful

Sound of feet and thunder of wings around her;

While behind a clamour of singing women

Severed the twilight.


Kypris research: https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=139&v=fY3urLXuZvk


Trailer for now completed film on the presence of Aphrodite on Kypris: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VK9sQvnmsEw&feature=iv&src_vid=fY3urLXuZvk&annotation_id=annotation_3439534703


Helen Demetrious evocation of Aphrodite while on Cyprus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3P67ZWMZ4c


Qabalah for the Rest of Us video by Lon Milo Duquette;





Political Awareness, Anarchist Witchcraft & Daily Practices


We are double plus unfree by Margaret Atwood: http://www.theguardian.com/books/2015/sep/18/margaret-atwood-we-are-double-plus-unfree


Gods & Radicals blog by Rhyd Wildermuth on Peter Grey’s book Lucifer; Princeps




Indiegogo campaign for 1st hard copy issue of Gods & Radicals Journal: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-gods-radicals-journal-samhain/contributions/13356067/thank_you



Crafting a daily practice by T Thorne Coyle: http://www.amazon.com/Crafting-Daily-Practice-Thorn-Coyle-ebook/dp/B007QPHKKK/ref=pd_sim_351_5?ie=UTF8&refRID=0CPB626SN898A5NTK2C3&dpSrc=sims&dpST=_AC_UL320_SR256%2C320_



Making Carbonated water; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLFvw4CVKgY

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