Want to be part of the Revolution? Sign up for our newsletter below, or call Reverend Ciacchi to schedule a healing session today!
Browse this site to learn about current LLRS workshops, events, performances and counseling services. Contact Teri at (206) 612-3511 or by email at: livingloverevolution@me.com
To Learn more about Aphrodite Temple events go to www.AphroditeTemple.com
Living Love Revolution® is a community of people who see embodying love* as an essential value in their daily lives and who come together to create temporary autonomous zones which allow a new culture based on pleasure activism, consent, and Ecomagicks® to emerge.
Reverend Teri D. Ciacchi MSW has created Living Love Revolution to teach others what she has learned about bringing more love into the world. She invents and teaches workshops and events where people learn how to love themselves, counsel each other and treat each other with respect and reverence.
LLR is also the life work and spiritual calling of Reverend Teri D. Ciacchi, MSW. Her work & calling are a form of integrated social change activism which results in classes, workshops, events and personal healing sessions that ask individuals to love* themselves, love* each other love* love the planet and form sustainable communities based on a love ethic*.
Find honest and authentic communication about the difficulties we experience as we integrate our spirituality, our sexuality and our search for love. The truth about Love and Sex is that they are simultaneously beautiful, terrifying and compelling. Our socialization does little to prepare us for the transformational processes that occur when we are intimate with other beings. All humans can learn to love themselves, intentionally create intimacy and come to know sex as sacred and healthy. Let’s learn how to love, listen and treat each other and our planet with respect and reverence.
Love Yourself ~ Love Each Other ~ Love your Ancestors ~ Love the Planet ~Have Sacred Healing Sex!
Living Love Revolution offers Events, Aphrodite Temples, Cascadia Holistic Peer Counseling classes, and One on One Spiritual Mentoring sessions. Living Love Revolution Sanctuary generates Education and Media designed to evolve us into a loving embodied culture! We specialize in workshops salons and events that provide access to Self Love and Immanence. Building community and social change around consent, reciprocity and respectful compassionate communication. Creating the resource of love in our communities through our events. All genders, sexualities, bodies and relationship structures honored & welcome!
Living Love Revolution Sanctuary Updated Statement on COVID-19 posted Monday January 9, 2023
We believe that by now (Jan 2023) we have lived through the worst of the Covid-19 pandemic. We also believe that we now live in an age of rolling pandemics, extreme weather and an actual extinction event. So we are evolving with Mama Gaia and have learned to “pivot” by creating both in person “IRL” events and online events and Hybrid events which are both in person and on Video Chats. We no longer require that people attending our in person events be vaccinated. We do however expect and require that everyone attending an in person event take a Covid-19 rapid test just after arriving and before entering the venue. We reserve the right to change our policies as times evolve and change.
At all of our events we share some of the somatic practices from Living Love Revolution’s Programs that restore us to a sense of belonging, safety, sovereignty, and play. Our events aim to be nourishing to the soft animal selves of our bodies and the tender hearts of our souls.
Physical affection is essential for our experience of wellness. Acts of love are restorative for both our immune and nervous systems. Being grounded, experiencing being seen and loved, building oxytocin through loving attention are all powerful ways to remember who we are and what we are capable of, especially in times of uncertainty and grief.
We were made for these times. Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world all at once, but of stretching out to mend the part of the world that is within our reach. One of the most calming and powerful actions you can do to intervene in a stormy world is to stand up and show your soul.
~ From We were made for these times by Clarissa Pinkola Estes ~