
Testimonials for Reverend Teri D. Ciacchi’s Work

“I appreciate the depth of her ability to provide support for healing; she seems to have a technique for relieving every type of distress. I’ts hard to express the magic of the experience in words, but she cradles and supports my total self into being.” – Charlotte J. Organic Farmer, Healer

“Compassionate! Her ability to be genuinely and lovingly present is unmatched. And this loving presence is balanced with insightful suggestions and ideas on how to work through one’s life issues. She is open to and aware of alternative lifestyles and provides non-judgmental acceptance.” – Rev. Jim B. Artist, Performer, Peer Counselor

I am super glad that you do the work that you do and that you’re such a professional about it. You have changed my life for the better and I have no doubt that you touch many people’s lives in a similar manner.” – Tiko

“I have had the opportunity to work with Teri in several settings, including classroom based environments as well as both one 1-on-1 and couples counseling. As an educator, Teri has a very energizing and magnetic personality. She literally fills the room with her energy and fosters an environment of excitement and support. Teri has dedicated her lifes work to the education of anyone willing and open to learn, and her enthusiam for teaching translates into a very dynamic and open classroom environment. As a mother it is the type of teaching environment that I can only hope my children will be fortunate enough to experience.

“Working with Teri as a counselor was an equally life-changing experience. As a facilitator and counselor Teri has a tremendous capacity to listen and provide insight into how to facilitate life change. Most importantly, in working with her together with my husband he and I were both amazed to find that we heard each other in a different way when she was present…..we could say the same words, but they held different meaning because Teri offered a grounding energy that helped us each to see deep within each other, no walls or barriers. This lasted not only in the session, but by offering us skills and exercises to practice when we were together we are able to make this transition to our daily life as a couple. We are now closer and more satisfied with our life than we have ever been.

If you are looking for someone to learn from, Teri is absolutely one of the best educators, listeners, and motivators that I have had the pleasure of meeting. I am in still in awe of her….she is one of the strongest and empowering people I know. If you are drawn to her confidence and strength as a person I encourage you to seek her out for your own personal work….because her self-strength is testimony to her strength as an educator and counselor in empowering others.” – Hilary W. Scientist, wife, mother of two.