Ground Yourself

This Grounding Exercise takes 10 minutes and can be used when ever you want to return to a sense of relaxation and inner calm. I recommend it as a daily foundational practice for anyone who wishes to get started on a path of spiritual development. Recorded during Reverend Teri D. Ciacchi’s talk “Polyamory as a Spiritual Path” given at the Sharma Center in Seattle, WA on March 2, 2010

(If the audio player above doesn’t work you can click here to listen to the Grounding Exercise)

The complete talk is an hour and 40 min long and is available in the archive section of my radio podcast at Sex Talk Radio Network. This grounding exercise is my own creation but is based on the following influences: Starhawk and ReclaimingAmara KarunaReggie Ray and my Hatha Yoga teacher Beth from downtown Seattle’s YMCA.

May the Earth Be Within You!


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