About Teri & LLR

Who is Teri Ciacchi and What is a Living Love Revolution?
Love truly is a skill worth developing. Loving one self generates a precious and essential inner resource. Love enacted as a verb is what it is going to take to heal each and every one of us. There is a lot of talk about love but very few of us have the experience of being love. The planet is calling us to become a Living Love Revolution. I feel moved to answer that call.

My name is Teri Dianne Ciacchi and I have been actively and intentionally seeking out and developing ways to experience love and become more loving since I was a small child. I have been able to learn some effective ways to presence love. I now regularly generate love inwardly and thus increase my ability to become more loving outwardly. I have a daily spiritual practice that involves sitting in meditation and focuses on embodiment.

Embodiment is consciously focusing on being in the body, it is an antidote for disassociation. Developing conscious aware attention for myself and for others, is an effective way to be love. Being intentional in my conversations, and aligning my actions with my words is a powerful way to enact love. These are a few of the tasks I focus on in my ongoing movement towards a Living Love Revolution.

Love is the primary focus of my teaching. The following topics are addressed: Self Love, Communication Skills, Couples Counseling and Mediation, Building and Sustaining Intimacy, Body Positivism, Sexual Healing and Empowerment, Anti-Oppression Activism, Sacred Sexuality, Ecstatic Embodiment, Apologizing and Making Amends, Flirting and Negotiating Healthy Sexual Boundaries and Clitoral Anatomy.

Check out Upcoming Classes on other pages of this website. Please call for more information:(206) 612-3511

Teri D. Ciacchi MSW Training highlights

  • Launched Quickening Collaborative: Ancestral Healing June 17, 2019 with collaborative members Christiane Pelmas, Angela Blueskies, Kai Wu and rain crowe
  • Created Ecosex: Celebrating Lover Earth on Orcas Island Summer Solstice 2018
  • Completed Dr. Daniel Foor’s Ancestral Medicine Practitioner Training March 2018
  • Completed rain crowe‘s Trauma Aware Conflict Transformation classes & apprenticeship July 2018
  • Became Ordained Priestess in M.A.G.I.C. March 21, 2016
  • Enrolled in Lewis & Clark EcoPsychology certificate program Jan 2014 completed all requirements but 2 credit overnight hiking course
  • Co-Produced yearly “Surrender: The Ecosex Convergence” with Lindsay Hagamen Summer Solstice June 2013- June 2017
  • Began teaching Cascadia Holistic Peer Counseling system in Portland 2013
  • Co-Produced Ecosex Symposium Portland June30-July 2, 2012
  • Living Love Revolution Aphrodite Temple Priestess training system goes on line 2012
  • Held Aphrodite Temples in Austin Texas Jan & June 2012
  • Attended month long Dathun Vajrayana Buddhist Meditation retreat with Reginald Ray at Dharma Ocean’s Blazing Mountain Retreat in Colorado Dec 2011-2012
  • Began doing Aphrodite Temples at other events 2000
  • Created and began generating Living Love Revolution in 2009
  • Became Ordained Minister in Universal Life Church Sept 2009
  • Received Ordination in S.H.E.E.S. Sept 2005
  • Private Practice Healer and Sex Educator from 1995 to present
  • Ordination as High Priestess in Iseum of Stella-Maris/Fellowship of Isis 1999. Founding of Iseum of Minerva-Appias
  • Joined CophNia Lodge O.T.O, took Minerval Initiation
  • Completion 4 years of Holistic Peer Support Training with Wahaba Heartsun/Amara Karuna 1997. Began teaching Holistic Peer Counseling as a private practitioner at this time.
  • Practicing Clinical Psychiatric Social Worker 1988-1993
  • Master’s Degree in Social Work from University of Missouri at Columbia 1988
  • B.A. Human Ecology from Stephens College 1983