Feb 2015 Media Stream for LLR Newsletter
This month’s Media stream from the media I consumed in Jan 2015 includes star goddesses, Aphrodite as a sexual healer and new research about female primate promiscuity
Io Aphrodite – An Aphrodite Mandala Io Aphrodite – An Aphrodite Mandala January 11, 2015 by Asa West 0 Comments Last summer, my husband and I took our daughter to the beach. We put her in the cute little bathing suit my mom had bought her: a tiny blue thing with a ruffle around the neckline. Her swim diaper stuck out around her butt. I french-braided her hair and wisps of it escaped in the breeze. I admired my beautiful little girl: her sweet toes in the sand, her perfect face against the backdrop of the sea. The beach was covered…
Jane Meredith’s Article from Reclaiming quarterly magazine called
Invoking Aphrodite for SexualHealing:
The Charge of the Star Goddess * Wicca Spirituality
The Charge of the Star Goddess Experience the Gift of Giving Back — Even a Small Amount Helps! Find Out More The Charge of the Star Goddess is an invocation of the Great Mother Goddess. In other words, when you speak this – with clear focus and strong intent – the Great Goddess is present, and noticing you. What is perhaps more important, the Goddess within you wakes up, and remembers Herself. The Charge of the Star Goddess is a basic “scripture” of Wicca. It contains within it a piece of the …
Star Goddess Invocation in Three Aspects
Star Goddess Invocation in Three Aspects Reprinted from Razing the Stakes Issue 3.2, Brigid 1994 The Star Goddess Invocation was originally written by Doreen Valiente. I first learned a modernized version that was printed in the old Green Egg. When Our Lady of TriVia Coven and Circle of the Trembling Earth did a joint open ritual at Southern Renaissance Pleasure Faire at a Beltaine Full Moon in (I think) 1983, I re-read the Star Goddess Invocation and came up with this Aspecting so that the Inv…
A Call to Nuit (An Invocation of the Star Goddess)
A CALL TO NUIT (An Invocation of the Star Goddess) Issued by the Sanctuary of Thoth On behalf of The Great Order of the Universe Copyright © 2008 Sanctuary of Thoth. All rights reserved. 31/31 31 Do what thou Wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Hadit! Manifest Brightly, and show forth the Glory of Nuit. O’ My Mother, My Lover, the One I Adore, I call to Thee. Send forth Thy Love. Wash me. Take me. Abide strongly with me. May your Love and Light shine through me. O’ My Star Goddess, refine me, h…
Evolutionary Witchcraft Excerpt – T. Thorn Coyle: Know Thyself
Evolutionary Witchcraft Excerpt Chapter Two Invocation: Recognizing the Divine Within “God is self and self is God and God is a person like myself” – Victor Anderson Feri Tradition honors the Star Goddess first, before any of the Elements of life, Guardians or other Deities are called into the sacred sphere. She is acknowledged, not called, for She is always with us, and we open all Feri workings with this prayer: “Holy Mother, in Whom we live, move and have our being, from You all things emerging…
Female promiscuity in primates: When do women have multiple partners?
Slate Science The state of the universe. Dec. 4 2013 8:15 AM Promiscuity Is Pragmatic Why women and other female primates seek out multiple partners. By Eric Michael Johnson Illustration by Nathaniel Gold It was a moment that smashed assumptions with the force of a wrecking ball. She approached the sexy older male who seemed to arrive from out of nowhere, his black-and-white coat gleaming in the light. She put herself directly in his path, shook her head provocatively, then turned…
Laura Sewall The skill of Ecological Perception
This article was published in EcoPsychology in 1995 and is very useful for developing EcoMagicks and Sensory Awareness exercises