Here is the link for this fabulous film about mushrooms created by Louie Schwartzberg and featuring Paul Stamets:
Visit this website for a free fantastic
Midwifing the Death of the fading Uber Culture and the Birth of a New Story
Charles Eisenstein has been one of my personal heros ever since my beloved David Besonen turned me on to his writings in 2009. His philosophy and thinking have become a foundational part of my own Living Love Revolution work and my shifting to gift economy sliding scales and focusing on EcoMagicks over being a famous international sexologist. For the first time he is teaching a webinar called The Space Between Storeis to help us evolve from the place where we are stuck in the old story of seperation and isolation and the new story of interbeing.
Charles Eisenstein movie:
Space between stories webinar class:
Biodegradable Burial Pods Invented in Italy Some brilliant people in Italy have invented a biodegradable pod to bury people in that then becomes the nutrition for a tree. This would move us from burying our dead in graveyards to planting memorial forests. This is the best idea since the Mycelial death suits. I will see if we can have one of these at the Herland Natural Burial Forest at Windward.
Mushrooms Help Bees Paul Stamets has now created a special food for bees that mixes honey with red reishi, amadou, and chaga mushrooms to strengthen bees immune systems and improve their chances of avoiding colony collapse. I wept with joy watching this 26 min. Bioneers conference talk from fall 2014 which ends with a beautiful 2 min video of fast action photography by Louie Schwartzberg that I tried to load into the top of this media blog, to no avail. Ah well, there is a link you can use.
Paul Stamets on helping bees with mushrooms:
Sacred Path of the Bee Videos & Links of Layne Redmond’s bee work
Video with Layne Redmond & Debra Roberts April 2013
Sacred Tools of Bee Priestess Part One Introduction and practice of Bhrameri Pranayama
The Bee
Sacred bee press:
Layne Redmond’s death written about in Wild Hunt:
Amazing statue from Eleusis & Clay bee hives
We are dead stars: