I went to Pheonix Arizona December 17-20th because Tracy Elise of Phoenix Goddess Temple asked me to provide testimony at an Evidentiary hearing there on Dec 19th. I want to thank all the people who sponsored this fact-finding mission of the Living Love Revolution Church as 15 people raised my $750 in travel expenses in 7 days. So what happened in Arizona?
I did not get to provide testimony. I got to have attorney Tim Linnen and Laurel Workman tell me directly to my face, before their defendants arrived that they were choosing not to pursue the use of the defense that the women who were at Phoenix Goddess Temple were their practicing their religion. These two layers believe they acted in the best interest of their own clients when they advised them to withdraw this as a potential defense.They told me that they knew there was conversation in the larger community an on line that they pursue 1st amendment rights in this case but they both acknowledged that they did not think this was “a winnable strategy” and they also did not want the case to “get out of their county”. I gave them both copies of the 11 page bibliography that I created for the defendants. I sat through the 20 min court hearing where they withdrew the defense of religion.
A lovely man named Dave has been doing very detailed and rational witnessing and journaling of all legal cases in Phoenix area that have to do with sex work and the law. If anyone who reads this wants more info you can call me and I will connect you.
I did get to visit Tracy in the Estrella prison of Maricopa County run by Sheriff Joseph Arpatio. She was re-arrested on Dec 13th (Santa Lucia Day) for doing a healing session with an undercover detective who read and responded to her back page ad. Neither of them took their clothes off and the detective got an hour long earful on Tracy’s style of Tantra. The entire recording was listened to in Judge Wely’s court and transcripts are available.
The jail is pretty stark. The food is intentionally awful. I will provide anyone who wants more details in person. I am writing up a few blogs/articles about this experience and will post them when i recover from my surgery. I am committed to spending 2 hours a week on finding ways to support women doing sacred whore work in the world and ensuring that their is work towards Social Justice on these issues.
Here is the phone number for clergy members who wish to visit her there: (602) 876-1238
Here is the info on how to communicate with her inside the jail (Click this link)
Here is some fabulous Queer Activism that involved Sheriff Joe:
Sheriff Joe Arpaio meets the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence Dec 7, 2012
Sheriff Joe Arpaio comes down on Phoenix New Times
Thanks to my beloved friend David Whelan who provided room and board and transportation and introduced me to his friend Mukee. There are very few people on the planet doing work similar to mine in the world. There are very few women making art focused on sacred sexuality. Mukee is a teacher and trainer of Quodoushka which is a sacred sexuality lineage that has origins in her New Zealand Maori connections.She very generously invited David and I into her house for tea, which, as the place that she lives is also a Temple and art gallery. Please treat yourself to a look at her art work, her books of sacred sexual and tantric images and find out about her classes and workshops here:
Mukee Okan’s Spirit Fire Productions | ThePussyTalks.com | Quodoushka Trainings