Going to Hawaii to Teach and Play!
Open the gateway to the heart with Breathwork in the Round. The very most important element needed for life- oxygen, will race in and push all kinds of resistance, sadness, fear, anger and illness up and out. Life, love, insight, hope, pleasure and mystery will rush down and in. After we’ve passed through this opening, Teri Ciacchi and Robyn Lynn will lead us through practices guaranteed to increase connection and enhance closeness. You will be cradled in safety and surrounded by the sensuous. Be prepared to dance, sing, and otherwise be inspired to relaxed, full self-expression. This delicious event will run from Noon-10pm, with a break for dinner around 5pm. Bring water, wear loose comfortable clothing and be sure to bring an abundant potluck dish to share. Suggested donation is $100. Limited discounts are available to those in need. Space is limited, register now to reserve your place.