Part One: Hanging in Portland
John Noel Ciacchi III came to visit me on Wed March 18th and we started our adventures right as he stepped off the plane. Stephanie, Orion and I got all dressed up and had mark drop us off at the Crystal Ballroom on Burnside. Then Mark drove out to the airport and picked up John and brought him to us at the George Clinton and Parliment Funkadelic concert. Bruce and JoAnne joined us as did Hobbin Creech and his sister Goldie Blue. Sadly, none of the pics inside the ballroom came out well but here is what we looked like outside:

We had a pretty awesome time and ended up leaving before the band was finished.
March 19th
John and Orion slept in a bit while I got to work doing sessions and such. I did my Surrender path working call with Oakry and Christiane Pelmas and we came up with an awesome 3 day curriculum that involves invoking Lilith & Pan and finding sacred self pleasuring nests in the woods. Went to Bruce’s house and did a priestess session trade while John used the hot tub. John and Bruce and I went to Lewis & Clark College to attend Patricia Hasbach’s 3 hour class: ReWilding for Human Flourishing. Took lots of notes for use in my ongoing research and honing of my private practice work. I will make good use of this and other class notes from the Lewis & Clark EcoPsychology certificate program when writing the keynote “WTF is EcoSex” that Lindsay Hagamen and I are delivering at Surrender. After the talk we had a dinner and went home to hang out for a final night with Orion who was leaving the next day for more adventures.
March 20th
John accompanied Orion and I to our LLR Spa day at Common Ground Wellness Center where we got to see our dear friend Alena Braud and discuss details of our trips to Windward and The Olympic Peninsula. We also got a chance to stop by Clary Sage Herbarium where we stocked up on herbal medicines for the trip. We said goodbye (for now) to Orion and left her at her pick up spot on NE Alberta I got to show John the Medicinal Marijuana store Pacific Green where I bought Mark’s medicines for our trip. We drove back home to Oxytocin Acre in time for me to do a Priestess session with Jennifer, a meeting with Oakry and Ruby abut their Aug 1st wedding and create a packing check list in google docs. Then we realized that we could still attend the Temple Azoth Spring Equinox Dinner of Illumination at Marrakesh Restaurant which would allow John to meet some of my oldest magickal friends Michael Sanborn and Chris Poor (Mark, Stephanie, Jennifer, Wesley and Dawn were also present). Here are the pictures of this fun restaurant which has traditional Moroccan foods served in large platters and belly dancers.

Sat March 21st
Blessed Spring Equinox! We started out the day helping our Neighbor Dave take pictures of the items in his house he wanted to sell on Craig’s list. We received some wonderful rugs in exchange. John and I went to the Sister Spirit Pagan Fair at the Washington Fairgrounds and I was delighted to see my friend Karen Betts and buy another one of her awesome “BeWitched” coffee mugs. I also got lovely colorful magic mushroom prayer flag for the upcoming April 17-19 “Remembering the Garden” Temple, saw Lupa’s booth of animal pelts, found a gorgeous malachite necklace for John. I also won a raffle and gave the winning, Lupa’s new Animal Totem book, to John. It was great to see so many of the pagan’s I became familiar with while attending North West Fall Equinox Festival’s in the mid 90’s.