October Media Stream for Living Love Revolution
Does the G-Spot exist: The ongoing “Misterfication” of Female anatomy
As the creatrix of the well known Pacifc NW based sexology courses:
Clitoral Revelations,
Vulvic Explorations and popular Viva la Vulva weekends, I get incredibly frustrated when confusing misinformation is circulated in the main stream media. So if you want to get clear accurate information about Female Genital anatomy, get your information from
Nekole Shapiro,
Tai Kulystin,
Betty Dodson,
Deborah Sundahl,
Sexological Bodywork trained practitioners (such as
Will Frederick, Kai Wu,
Christian Pelmas, supervised by
Captain Liam Snowdon or any number of other trained feminist sex educators who have hands on experience as well as an intentional context of liberation and sovereignty int heir work. The Clitoral Revelations video that Nekole Shapiro and I taught together is still available
on line in a version without live modeling for only $47
Sheri WInston sets it straight:http://intimateartscenter.com/female-orgasm-genital-anatomy-in-the-news-again-confusion-still-reigns
Living Love Revolution Aphrodite Temple update
Many of you have asked me questions about my work as an Aphrodite Priestess. There is so much to say. I feel an incredible amount of gratitude to my Living Love Revolution community members for the co-creation of these Temples. I am especially enamored of Tai Kulystin who as well as having lead the Temples with me has created the
Aphrodite Temple website. Also current manager Alena Braud and former manager an on-going supporter Stephanie Martin, my partner Mark Welch and our venue host and patron Bruce Bartlett. Here is a
podcast about the Temple. They are currently held in Portland at White Oak Center. In Feb 2015 we will hold a Temple in Seattle and this Temple will be the first one reserved entirely for people in Priestess Training with me. If you have already attended at least one Aphrodite Temple and are interested in entering Priestess Training with me, then contact me before December 1st to be considered a member of the Priestess body who can attend the Feb. 2015 Temple. Otherwise, the next “public Temple” will be in Portland at White Oak Center sometime in April or May. ANyone who reads this, feel resonant with the information given on the website and then feels called to attend is welcome to call me for an interview for the Spring 2015 Temple. For many reasons, these Temples are now selling out weeks before they occur.
Wild Resources
Here are my current 3 favorite Wild Resources that would appreciate your attention and support
1.Edgewalkers Winter Social Forestry Camp
Restoring beneficial human touch to the landscape. Tending wild foods and wild hearts…
Edgewalkers is an emerging collective of semi-nomadic wildland tenders. Winter Social Forestry Camp is an experiment in regenerative wild-tending, where a small community of people comes together to work at restoring a landscape while living in reciprocal relationship to nature. Camped out in a temporary primitive village in the woods, we work on improving the ecological quality of the landscape throughSocial Forestry. We focus on tending wild plants and forests that provide sustenance as food, medicine, timber, and craft material. We are doing this work on wildlands held in public trust, in a mutually beneficial gifting relationship with land caretakers. This is the second year of our camp, and there will be 10 of us coming together for 10 weeks nestled in the mountains on the edge of the Cascades and Siskiyous in southern Oregon.
2.Plant Intelligence and the Imaginal Realm: Beyond the Doors of Perception into the Dreaming of Earth
Stephen Harrod Buhner’s newest book
3.Radical Mycology
“Radical Mycology is a movement and social philosophy based on accessibly teaching the importance of mushrooms and other fungi for personal, societal, and ecological health. Radical Mycology differs from classical mycology in that classical mycology generally focuses on taxonomy, identification, mycophagy (eating mushrooms), and the more personal benefits of working with fungi while Radical Mycology is about using fungi for the benefit of larger communities and the world.
As a concept, Radical Mycology is based on the belief that the lifecycles of fungi and their interactions in nature serve as powerful learning tools for how humans can best relate to each other and steward the world they live in.” Radical Mycology
Here is my current favorite TED talk relevant to ReWilding and seeing the miraculous in the ordinary.
Margaret Wertheim TED talk Math (Hyperbolic Geometry,the fragile ecology of coral reefs, feminine handicrafts crotcheing & the importance of playful embodied education/knowledge
Here is a little known resource of pagan scholarship:
pagan resources on the web Between the worlds festival recordings