Upcoming: Dec 2nd Mush Festival in Portland
Mark and I went to the 64th Birthday party for George Mayer at the home of George and his lovely wife Suzie on Sunday Nov 18th. We hung out with Mycophiles and witches and other earth lovers and had a wonderful time.
I announced a meeting for Portland rad Mycologists at my house on Nov 25th and was delighted when Jordan Weiss showed up. We had an amazing 3 hour conversation and walked around the property excitedly sharing our passion for mushrooms, permaculture and holistic healing. Jordan helped me identify the following seven species of mushrooms on my property:

Amanita Muscaria, Agaricus Molleiri, Galerina app., Psathyrella sp., Laccarla app., Suillus app. and Tubarla app. I hope I spelled all those correctly as I am working from Jordan’s hand written notes.
Getting started now on the Living Love Revolution permaculture Mycogarden
Jordan helped me plan for mushroom farming on the property in 2013 by letting me know I ned to be doing the following activities:
Building compost piles,
collecting brown kraft covered cardboard,
have piles of wood chips delivered
look for sources of aged horse, sheep, llama, cow and rabbit manure so we can have it in April
gather grass clippings in piles on property for late February
collect burlap bags
collect coffee grounds but do not let them mold
find sources of thin barked hardwoods like Alder,Maple, Cottonwood, ash and elm so we can have them cut in 1st week of feb and create spawning grounds by end of February
So if you have any of these items or know where to get them, let me know or start saving your own so you can follow along with the posts in my newsletter and create your own mycogarden projects at home.
Jordan and I had such a fertile cross pollination that we both felt certain we would be creating classes & skill shares between Living Love Revolution & Green Anchors this spring so watch for that!
Kathy Two Trees Descantos for Bees video
Promo Video for Stardust Revolution by Jacob Berkowitz
Media Consumed
Damanhur Community
Music of the Plants – Red and White Roses
More Damanhur Videos
Hope Beneath Our Feet: Restoring Our Place in the Natural World edited by Martin Keogh Wonderful essays by Derek Jensen, Nala Walla, Kathryn Two Trees and many others
Gives helpful information about EcoSomatics, EcoPsychology and Eco Activism
EcoMind: Changing the Way We Think, to Create the World We Want by Frances Moore Lappe
Excellent list or books and organizations working on evolutionary non violent ecoactivism.
The Empowerment Manual: A Guide for Collaborative Groups – Book
Includes a very helpful group processes for managing conflict and integrating community around difficult issues and problematic dynamics. Excellent tools for building egalitarian small group decision making.Permaculture: The Growing Edge – Video
by Starhawk
Gaia’s Garden – book
How Permaculture Can Save Humanity and the Planet – But Not Civilization – video
by Toby Hemmengway
The Long Descent: A User’s Guide to the End of the Industrial Age – book
The ArchDruid Report – Blog
Green Wizards.org – Website
The Blood of the Earth: An Essay on Magic and Peak Oil – Book
by John Michael Greer
More information on The Blood of the earth: an essay on magic and peak oil:
Industrial culture is in collapse. There is no infinite growth on a finite planet and oil, our most critical resource, has passed peak. We have entered a period of radical flux, and magic must respond to the world in which it operates, or it is nothing but empty escapism. The Blood of the Earth is a challenging and radical book. It fuses hard physical science with an adept’s understanding of magic. It is a smart, articulate and devastating piece of writing. You could call it a polemic. You could call it a prophetic work. We believe it is essential reading for the modern magician. Magic, like peak oil, is the voice our civilisation has failed to heed. Greer argues passionately that the answers to our darkening age are to be found in the practice of magic, provided we understand what it can and cannot do. He gives a lucid explanation of how magic works and crucially, where it does not. His vision of the future covers the dangers of political thaumaturgy and the threats of new dictatorships in an increasingly unstable world. Neither does he shy away from a critique of the mind control antics of the black magicians of the advertising industry. Cautionary examples of UFO cults, mysterious assassinations and fake science are all grist for his mill. Whilst attacking the failures of scientific materialism and the empty technological utopias he does not spare the New Age. Instead he presents a tour de force of occult philosophy covering Neoplatonism, Theurgy, Ritual magic, and thinkers as diverse as Aristotle, Giordano Bruno, Joseph Peladan and Rudolph Steiner. He presents the highly practical mental training methods of magic for countering the tyranny of dualistic thinking. Clearly written and accessible, The Blood of the Earth is part of the fusion of deep ecology and deep paganism we continue to champion, and is equally relevant to heathen, druid, magician and witch.