Media Stream – January 2013

Welcome to the Living Love Revolution Media Stream
Here I share the media I consumed or generated during the last month that relates to the LLR vision of creating an EcoMagickal culture of Love and Well-being

This month’s media stream takes a break from the usual Mycelium, Bees and Stardust format to bring you posts and links for the ways that the Divine Feminine has snuck into the academy.

“Who knows what losses the earth has suffered? One who, with sounds that nonetheless praise, can sing the heart born into the whole.” –Rainer Maria Rilke


Lewis & Clark College has a certificate in EcoPsychology run by Tom Dogherty, Patrica Hasbach is an adjunct instructor there as well as teaching EcoPsychology at Antioch in Seattle. Here is an Utne Reader article about this important new field of study.

Below are the books and the authors I have been reading. Their works fall into the category of EcoPsychology & EcoFeminism and I find them EcoSexy. You can see their influence on my writing by reading the EcoSex Convergence website entry: “Why Ritual?”

Ecopsychology: Science, Totems, and the Technological Species

Ecopsychology: Restoring the Earth, Healing the Mind
There is an interesting use of this book on the ecotopia website here

Andy fisher’s website
His essay “What is EcoPsychology? A Radical View” made me happy for an entire week and inspired my writing for the EcoSex Convergence website.

Chellis Glendinning
Several of her essays and beautiful poems are there. Her books are:
My Name is Chellis and I’m in Recovery from Western Civilization, Chiva: A Village Takes on the Global Heroin Trade, and Off The Map: An Expedition Deep into Empire and the Global Economy.

My two favorite essays from her site are:
A Lesson in Earth Civics
Love in a Time of Freakout

Susan Griffin
I read her book women and nature back in 1981 and today I am reading her book The Book of the Courtesans: A Catalogue of Their Virtues

Diane Ackerman (website link)
List of her books
I just reread Ackerman’s A Natural History of the Senses and bought three other books to read soon

David Abrams has deeply moved me with his books and their understanding of shamanistic merging

I want him to take me with him
to take me
to nest me between his wings
and pierce my hungry troubled heart
to remind me of my first language
a lost language
I want him to make me whole

-from “Flicker” by Christiane Pelmas
you will find the entire text here

Colin Earl met a fascinating woman in India who is making it known that Yoni’s generate life! Here is the fabulous work of Reena Desai:
Your Yoni’s Power to Birth Your Mission
The REAL Source of Women’s Power (It’s Not What you Think)

Lady Olivia Robertson’s recent updates on Fellowship of Isis

Aquarian Isis © M.Q.
Isis of the New Aeon of Aquarius (carved by David Durdin-Robertson)
Watering pot on her head, Bast and Horus in attendance, rose crystal at her feet showing her love for all!

Shame is the doorway between the subconscious and conscious mind. So long as I’m equipped with a bright light of awareness, there’s tremendous reward in hanging out and spelunking in the nether realms of shame’s dark caverns. In this way, armed with the glowing lamp of inner compassion, shame is a practice. Shame shows me where I have separated myself from God, and is thereby an essential clue to the way home.” -Robyn Lynn

Fabulous Poly Resources!

The Problem with Polynormativity

A Bouquet of Lovers: Strategies for Responsible Open Relationships

Sacred Sexuality

Sacralizing Sex: Love as an Act of Worship

Religion, Morality, and Sexuality

Goddess Bless my Beloved Chris Poor for sharing this poem with me:

Fragment 941: Aphrodite of Kypros
translated by Reginald Gibbons
O Children- She of Kypros is
Not only called “The Kyprian”
But is named many
Times with many Names.
She’s Death — and the realm thereof,
She’s undestroyable life,
She’s madness raving loose, She’s
Undiluted hot desire,
She is wailing with pain,
With sorrow, with rage, with fear.
All real, excellent energy’s
In her, and all restedness too.
And all that leads us into
Violence. She pours in, She
Saturates thought and what’s
Inside the breast of all
That has the breath of life.
For who is not hungry
For this Goddess? She goes
Into the swimming fish,
Into the four-legged
Creatures on dry land, and
Ranging among the birds
Of omen is her wing […]
Among wild beasts, and mortals,
Among the gods above.
Wrestling Her, which of the gods
Does she fail to throw three times?
If I have the right to speak
The truth– and I have the right —
Over what aches in the breast of Zeus
Himself She rules, and needing no spear-
Shaft or iron to do it.
Plans, however many,
Of mortals and of gods, the
Kyprian cuts to pieces.

-Sophocles (c. 496-406 BCE)

And now for a series of Links on Race, Gender and Feminism:

Examples of Cisgender Privilege

Tomboy Clothing: suits for women

Common Racist Attitudes and Behaviors

10 Things You Should Know About Slavery and Won’t Learn at ‘Django’

Male Ally Tips – Things You Can Do Every Day!

In case you did not know that Feminism is actually a philosophy, here ya go: Topics in Feminism

In case you missed it before here is website for an archive of the first feminist media I ever produced: Art Sluts

Sacred Centers
Anodea Judith’s teaching site, a great place to get teachings on chakras and energy systems to help build immunity to illness and widen your ability to help yourself & others stay calm

Altars of Extinction

To end on a fun and upbeat note I offer you the following hip hop video:
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis Thrift Shop”

Be on the look out for a few new websites in the Spring of 2013 folks because I own the domains Aphrodite Temple and EcoSex Education so look out world I have another whole month before my surgery. Expect EcoSexual medias to arise.

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