Media Stream – February 2013

Welcome to the Living Love Revolution Media Stream
Here I share the media I consumed or generated during the last month that relates to the LLR vision of creating an EcoMagickal culture of Love and Well-being

A new app that helps you use your laptop responsibly and healthfully

The Daily Good

Bradley Manning: 1,000 days in detention and secrecy still reigns
I am not sure what I can do to help Bradley Manning in his predicament. I pray and send Bodhicitta but honestly if there are local actions taking place please let me know about them.

The Dali Lama is going to be in Portland!
May 9th-11th 2013
I’ll be at some of the events. Are you interested in coming? Contact me!

Tool Up for the Homeless!
Erik DeBuhr and Venus Faye are rocking the world of homelessness in Eugene with their tiny houses. Yes you, or anyone you know can have a room on wheels for $300-$500. Click here to donate! Or simply pass it on and help spread the word!

Pagans and Privilege
Article from an event at Pantheocon moderated by T. Thorne Coyle


All Acts of Love and Pleasure Are Her Rituals by Rachel Adair Dawson (Amazon)

Gaia and the New Politics of Love: Notes for a Poly Planet by Serena Anderlini-Di’Onofrio (Amazon)

I am also Re-reading and strumming through the following books, as a way of preparing to write my own book of embodiment exercises for Priestess Training:

Thinking Like a Mountain: Towards a Council of All Beings by John Seed, Joanna Macy, Pat Fleming & Arne Naess (Amazon)

Healing: key to spiritual balance by Mary Ellen Flora (Amazon)
Understanding and practicing the exercises and philosophy given in this book is essential to being an Anchor at a LLR AphroditeTemple. These exercises and other works by the Church of Divine Man and the Berkely Psychic Institute are the original source of the psychic self defense skills given by Amara Karuna Heartsun, Kathy McKeever and myself in the Holistic Peer Counseling system of healing and other Living Love Revolution creations

Sense Relaxation Below Your Mind by Bernard Gunther (Amazon)

Energy Exercises: Easy Exercises for Health and Vitality by John Chitty & Mary Louise Muller

Acts of Love: Ancient Greek Poetry from Aphrodite’s Garden by George Economou (Amazon)
For my own deep pleasure I am rereading this book given to me by a dear beloved of mine

Here are my two absolute favorites from this gorgeous book:

I tried to run from Love, but he lit up
a torch from the ashes and found me hiding
Didn’t bend his bow , but between his fingertips
pinched a bit of fire and, unseen,flicked it at me
now I am engulfed by flames. O Phanion,
you little spark, you’ve set my heart ablaze.
-Meleagros (ca. 140-ca.70b.c.)


Kissing Hippomenes, my heart shifts to Leandros, and while fastened on to Leandro’s lips, I fantasize about Xanthos, and while I’m wrapped all around Xanthos my heart returns to Hippomenes. So I keep dropping him I have in hand, taking on one after the other over and over in my arms, paying court to Love’s riches. He who blames me can go straight to the poorhouse of monogamy
-Paulos Silentiarius (fl. A,D, 563)

A Wild love for the World from On Being with Krista Tippett
I am deeply grateful for this podcast that featured an interview with Joanna Macy reading the works of Rainier Marie Rilke
I spent an satisfying morning on a train from Seattle to Portland listening to this blog podcast and crying while watching the beautiful sun and rain and clouds go by (see above image).

A Year with Rilke: Daily Readings from the Best of Rainer Maria Rilke Translated and edited by Joanna Macy and Anita Barrows (Amazon)
I learned about this book when trying to find my favorite Rilke poem on line:

That which offers itself to us with starlight,
that which offers itself to us,
hold it in your face with might,
take it seriously.
Show night that you received silently
what it bestowed on you.
Not until you go over to it entirely
will night know you.
-Rainier Marie Rilke

Rilke on Love and Other Difficulties by John M.L. Mood (Amazon)

Marion Woodman “The Damage of Patriarchy”

Amanda Palmer is a Goddess!
Here are a few of her videos: Do It With a Rockstar, Want it Back, The Killing Type, Melody Dean, and Map of Tasmania

Kypris: The Aphrodite of Cyprus

Jacqueline Karageorghis research on Aphrodite of Cyprus


Afrodite and Adonis mosaic Madaba in Jordan

Deeper Mo’betta Aphro’
For the Aphrodite geeks out there here is a special research section just for you looking at images of Aphrodite that showed up in a Christian cathedral with her partner the Lord Adoni.

Adonis (“Lord”)
Carpets of Stone: The Graeco-Roman Legacy in the Levant, “Classical themes in some Byzantine mosaics of the Levant”:
For all that Christianity had been the State religion of the Byzantine Empire since AD 392, Byzantine culture remained fundamentally classical in spirit. The mosaicists of the Justinianic Renaissance drew much of their inspiration from Greek mythology and Roman daily life. The excavation in 1982-5 of a mid-sixth century hall under the atrium and narthex of the Church of the Virgin at Madaba, disclosed three remarkable panels framed by an inhabited acanthus scroll. The upper panel showed Aphroditeand Adonis, the three Graces (each named as Charis), four Erotes and a peasant-woman (Agroikis). (from Aphrodite had Many Lovers)

Adonis: Greek; consort of Aphrodite. Also another name for “Lord.” In Phoenician his counterpart is Astarte. A vegetation God. (from Goddesses And Gods)

The name “Adonis” is a variation of the Semitic word “Adonai”, which means “lord”, and which is also one of the names used to refer to YHWH in the Old Testament. (from Encycolopedia Mythica)

Adonis is derived from the Canaanite title, adon, meaning lord, or the Phoenician term, adoni, my lord. (from Mythical-Folk)

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