Welcome to the Living Love Revolution Media Stream
Here I share the media I consumed or generated during the last month that relates to the LLR vision of creating an EcoMagickal culture of Love and Well-being
Uncategorized Media
Rick Hanson’s Fill the Hole in Your Heart
Rick Hanson also did a Sounds True class called The Compassionate Brain
Serotonin and sexual preference: Is it really that simple? This is an interesting and controversial article about sexual behavior. What is your take?
The Wild Hunt: A Modern Pagan Perspective
Infinity Burial Project/Mycelial death suit
My good friends Fay & Erik made the local news: Tine Hive makes it big with Conestoga wagon design
Open your heart to yourself and each other and you will see that the bees are connecting all of us!
Please look at Michael Theile’s website (gaiabees.com) to see appropriate relationships with bees role modeled!
I am still very interested in making a little zine called Radical bee loving apiculture and need a few friends to help me work on this in February so connect if you are interested.
Nala Walla EcoSomatic Bodyversity Teaching
Waterhouse ’09: An Ecosomatic Performance Experiment
This cartoon was sent to me by Suzanne Bernardi and it felt necessary to share. It’s reminding us all to wake up. Click for the full size!
We must address age old inequities like the ones Jada Pinket Smith speaks of here
That there are no random acts. That we are all connected. That you can no more separate one life from another than you can separate a breeze from the wind. – page 48 – The Five People You Meet in Heaven, Mitch Albom.
Judy Grahn’s talk on Women’s Spirituality Master’s program for Sofia University (Formerly Institute of Transpersonal Psychology)
NEWFLASH! Judy Grahn introduced “Microbia” in her keynote speech “Goddess Is Alive! But How Do We Know?” at the Association for the Study of Women in Mythology in San Francisco May 11, 2012. We invite you to download the text of her speech here (PDF).
Metaformia: A Journal of Menstruation and Culture edited by Judy Grahn
Blood and Roses: How Menstruation Created the World by Judy Grahn
Bolivia enshrines natural world’s rights with equal status for Mother Earth
Evo Morales Looks at December 21 – the ‘Mayan Apocalypse’ – As a New Beginning