Welcome to the Living Love Revolution Media Stream
Here I share the media I consumed or generated during the last month that relates to the LLR vision of creating an EcoMagickal culture of Love and Well-being

Article on Nitrogen fixing bacteria in old growth forests
Tamara Wolfson’s bee healing site in Fairfax CA
Amazing close up photos of bees
Sculpture of honeycomb made by bees
Sculptures nmade of beeswax by human artist
Article on Monsanto interfering with bees
New Yorker article about beekeeping on Museum rooftops!
The most incredible fact about the Universe quote from Neil DeGrasse Tyson
Absolutely mindblowing video shot from the Space Shuttle during launch
Neile De Grasse Tyson “We Are Stardust”
News from the Yoniverse
Video of Valentine’s day Money drop action
Pussy Riot: Anarchist Punk Grrls in Russia!
Emma Goldman for those of you who do NOT know her
New SQUAT mag with Nekole Shapiro’s article in it
Anastacia’s podcast on empowered papa
What’s All This Talk About Sluts?
Charlie Glickman on Slut Respect
Polyamory as an outgrowth of Feminism
Francesca Gentille;s Sacred Courtesan School
Great Video on Kundalini & Tantra
Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephen’s new website
Draft 1.0 of a work in progress.
(i) WE ARE THE ECOSEXUALS. The Earth is our lover. We are madly, passionately, and fiercely in love, and we are grateful for this relationship each and every day. In order to create a more mutual and sustainable relationship with the Earth, we collaborate with nature. We treat the Earth with kindness, respect and affection.
(ii) WE MAKE LOVE WITH THE EARTH. We are aquaphiles, teraphiles, pyrophiles and aerophiles. We shamelessly hug trees, massage the earth with our feet, and talk erotically to plants. We are skinny dippers, sun worshipers, and stargazers. We caress rocks, are pleasured by waterfalls, and admire the Earth’s curves often. We make love with the Earth through our senses. We celebrate our E-spots. We are very dirty.
(iii) WE ARE A RAPIDLY GROWING, GLOBAL, ECOSEX COMMUNITY. This community includes artists, academics, sex workers, sexologists, healers, environmental activists, nature fetishists, gardeners, business people, therapists, lawyers, peace activists, eco-feminists, scientists, educators, (r)evolutionaries, critters and other entities from diverse walks of life. Some of us are SexEcologists, researching and exploring the places where sexology and ecology intersect in our culture. As consumers we aim to buy green, organic, and local. Whether on farms, at sea, in the woods, or in cities small and large, we connect and empathize with nature.
(iv) WE ARE ECOSEX ACTIVISTS. We will save the mountains, waters and skies by any means necessary, especially through love, joy and our powers of seduction. We will stop the rape, abuse and the poisoning of the Earth. We do not condone the use of violence, although we recognize that some ecosexuals may choose to fight those most guilty for destroying the Earth with public disobedience, anarchist and radical environmental activist strategies. We embrace the revolutionary tactics of art, music, poetry, humor, and sex. We work and play tirelessly for Earth justice and global peace.
(v) ECOSEXUAL IS AN IDENTITY. For some of us, being ecosexual is our primary (sexual) identity, whereas for others it is not. Ecosexuals can be GLBTQI, heterosexual, asexual, and/or Other. We invite and encourage ecosexuals to come out. We are everywhere. We are polymorphous and pollen-amorous, We educate people about ecosex culture, community and practices. We hold these truths to be self evident; that we are all part of, not separate from, nature. Thus all sex is ecosex.
(vi) THE ECOSEX PLEDGE. I promise to love, honor and cherish you Earth, until death brings us closer together forever.
The ecosex revolution wants YOU. Join us.
For more information call 415-902-2071
The Power of Music