Kriyanna Feya Love and Temple I AM
Wanted to let you all know about a fabulous resource for Portland and Cascadia Magick
Kriyanna Feya Love and I have been in about two degrees of separation for 10 years or so traveling in the parralel magical and mystical multiverses. We finally had tea last spring and I invited her to attend Surrender: The EcoSex Convergence. We discovered we have a mutual resonance for doing magick that midwives us into the New Story of Interbeing (as Charles Eisenstein phrases it). A desire to be f service to human and planetary evolution.
If you want to do magicks that heal yourself and merge ancient traditions like Kabbalah and Tantra than take some of Kriyanna’s classes or make an appointment for a private session with her in her beautiful Temple home in North Portland
So with no further ado I present the links to Kriyanna’s website and facebook events:
Kriyanna’s website :
Face Book Group:
On Fri September 26, 2014 she is hosting Jonna Michaela Court’s workshop on Living with the Elementals Fae:
On October 11-12 2014 she is hosting Benjamin Pixie’s workshop on Bee Magicks: