April Media Stream

Living Love Revolution April Media Stream brings you more Media Live from the center of the Yoniverse:

After Dinner Party was a great art show that opened on Thursday May 3rd in downtown Seattle. Here are a few of the images. “Clitoris” by Ingrid Lahti featured in the After Dinner Party Show curated by Lynn Schirmer

Ingrid Lahti "Clitoris" Neon 2012 from After Dinner Party

A local Seattle artist, Lynn Schirmer did a great job of honoring Judy Chicago’s dinner party with this “Vaginal” event.
Create your own collaborative addition to The After Dinner Party!Audrey Brown and I showed up with Viva la Vulva Postcards for our upcoming classes in Portland. GO check it out as the show runs until June 2nd.
After Dinner Party

More Female Sexual Empowerment:

Beautiful Radical Nude Calendar

I bought my dear friend Ray a “merkin” ( go on look it up) at the Women Who Rock conference back in march but she finally got to wear it in Public in April:

More Beltane Blissfullness:

“Have you walked around your parks and towns so knife-edged orderly?
While the fires are burned on the hills upturned
in far-off wild country.
And felt the chill on your window sill
as the green man comes around.
With his walking cane of sweet hazel —
brings it crashing down.
Sends your knuckles white as the thin stick bites.
Well, it’s just your groaning pains.
Come — a Beltane..” JETHRO TULL “BELTAINE”
(I found this song reference in the Ardantane Newsletter)

My Heartfelt Gratitude
Many Blessings and heartfelt gratitude to the following list of people who made my move from the lovely Ursa Manor in Kenmore to “Reverend Victor’s Musical Playhouse” here in Belltown : Mark Welch, Leela Pastala, Eric Johnson, Wendy Keen, Raphael, Lance Young, Audrey Brown, Sarah Moore, Gadget & David, Emmalee Bozak, I will be eternally grateful to Gary Jacobsen for sharing his house with me and his offspring the delightful Koe who is keeping my Isis & me’lak Taus altars active and available.

Hanging with the Clitorati

Hanging with Annie Sprinkle

Annie Sprinkle
I had an amazing time at the Lotus Heart Center in Portland. The center is run by the generous and open hearted Gabriella Cordova who has worked hard to network for sex psoitive events and culture in Portland. After attending and helping facilitate the Ecstatic Breath workshop, I got to hang out with Annie Sprinkle and then drive her and Audrey to Olympia. In addition Annie spent extensive time with all of the Organizers of EcoSex Symposium Portland 2012 and straight up handed over admin documents from EcoSex Symposium I &II that she and her partner Beth Stephens created.

Deborah Sundahl
I had the deep pleasure of meeting with Deborah SUndahl before her Female Ejaculation workshop at Wild at Heart on April 19th. I look forward to having her partner with us for the Viva La Vulva weekend in Portland May 11-13th


George Atherton creates fabulous graphics that meet the vision of LLR take a look!

Here is link to my beloved friend Colin Earl’s Tantric Puja Meet Up group in Portland

and here is a picture of me after doing a puja with Colin: Well it won’t let me show you that picture so I am trying to share something else with you here we will see if that works!

Love & Neurobiology Following the work of Dan Siegel:

Working towards a true understanding of how love functions in the body is an important part of our work in the world. As you may have heard me say, I believe that Dan Siegel’s work, (in creating the new field of study known as Interpersonal Neurobiology) will rapidly begin to replace the field of study now called Mental Health.

The Brain on Love


It is my intention to learn from the natural world how to better socialize as a human that is why I am posting these items about Bees, Mycelium and Stardust

Pesticide called “imidacloprid” killing bees, reposting the Harvard article

Moving bees by hand, from gaiabees.com



Beautiful uses of Fungi

Sustainable urban agriculture Vertical Gardening in the City, I know there are mycelium at work here!

Look what artists are doing by imitating mycelial growth patterns

Radio Podcast of Paul Stamets on the history of Mycelium

Another Hubble shot of a nearby galaxy
Another Hubble shot of a nearby galaxy


Planetary Resources, the new space mining company:

A very touching cartoon drawing based on Neil deGrasse Tyson’s “Most Astounding Fact” speech

Manhattanhenge! The sun is about to set at the right location for
beams of sunlight to shoot straight along the streets of Manhattan. In the future, archaeologists will inevitably assume that this is why we built

My favorite new web links this month are:

Human Ecology. I got a BA in Human Ecology in 1983 and now there is a website in Australia that explains it!

Repressed History archive by Max Dashu

Uncivilisation Festival in UK

EcoSex Symposium:
(The long story about what I have been doing when I go to Portland)

Three of my favorite authors and visionaries: Deborah Anapol. Christopher Ryan and Serena Anderlini D’Onofrio have agreed to be the keynotes at my current project EcoSex Symposium Portland 2012

We definitely need financial support for the Symposium to get off the ground and so we have created an Indie go go site: Please check it out here

Suzanne Bernardi and I are in charge of selecting the 12 remaining presenters and our process for that is given here in the Call for EcoSex Presenters letter:

Deadline for potential presenters extended to Monday May 7th at 11:55pm

Dear Potential EcoSexual Presenter,

Eco What? Hey, what is this all about?

You are receiving this email because we have identified you as a potential presenter at the upcoming EcoSex Symposium Portland 2012. Perhaps Gabriella, Teri, Kim, Bryce, Suzanne or Audrey have had a conversation with you or someone we love and respect suggested you to us as an EcoSexual or EcoSensual being whose teachings or lifestyle exemplify the principles given in the EcoSex Manifesto created by Annie Sprinkle & Beth Stephens. We are honored to have Annie & Beth’s blessing and to be able to stand on the shoulders of the work they generated in Love Art Labs and SexEcology.org and EcoSexual Symposium I and II. Please see more about their work here: www.SexEcology.org and www.loveartlab.org/

Welcome Home, What We Are Inviting You to:

We have just launched a new web site, www.EcoSex.org with information about the upcoming Ecosex Symposium Portland 2012 happening June 29-July1st, just 10 weeks away. We plan to have a total of 21 workshops over two days. We have space for 15 individual 90 min workshops. Three simultaneous workshop tracks will run all day Sat (9am-7:30pm), and again from 10am-12pm on Sunday.

Come Dream with Us, Vision of the Symposium

Our intention in the EcoSex Symposium Portland 2012 is to be one of many focal points for the EcoSexual movement and its goal of inspiring people to see the natural world as a part of our own body and soul. Human beings are evolving and going through growing pains. It is time to move our attention from the Earth as Mother to the Earth as Lover. We are no longer children who can be solely dependent and only take form the planet. It is time for human beings to become mature adults in a reciprocal relationship with their Partner Gaia.

We want to integrate international leaders, West Coast cultural creatives, and local Portland talents. We will be turning the N. Mississippi (historically known as the Boise Elliot) Neighborhood into a three day Eco Fair/Block Party by inviting local businesses to join us, encouraging neighborhood participation, and holding the events in venues that are walkable and bikeable. In addition to the Lotus Heart Center and the Q Center (conveniently positioned across the street from each other on N. Mississippi Ave), we have identified and are pursuing open air venues throughout the street to integrate a number of free collaborative events: performance art, family DIY craft workshops, and ecoactivism.

We are mixing a traditional academic model of conferences with the newer “unconference” models.

Confirmed Keynote Presentations:

We are honored to announce our three keynote speakers who will each provide a talk at the Opening Night on Friday and may also do 1 or 2 other talks:

Deborah “Taj” Anapol, Christopher Ryan, and Serena Anderlini D’Onofrio. Please see the website for links to their works.

Proposed Connection and Open Collaboration for “Unconference” Portion:

We would love your participation in creating an open forum of gift economy exchanges and free form collaborations in the Symposium. How about a naked bike ride parade down N. Mississippi Ave? Performance art in the form of public declarations of the EcoSex Manifesto? Weddings to the earth? EcoSex art displays in the alleys and sidewalks of the Boise Elliot neighborhood? Use of Mississippi Co-Op yard and “repurposing freecycle exchanges” in yards up and down the street? We would like to see stickers, art, and DIY projects everywhere. Join us! Let us know what you need from us in order to participate by calling Teri at (206) 612-3511.

The EcoBall: Back to the Garden

“We are Stardust, we are Golden, we are 50 billion year old carbon, and we’ve got to get ourselves back to the garden” (from the song “Woodstock” by Joni Mitchell). On Saturday night we will have an Eco Ball with raffle tickets, musicians, performers, and a DJ for ecstatic dancing. Forms for potential performers and sponsors are also on our website.

What Kind of Presentations are we looking for?

Please read The EcoSex Manifesto and be certain that you can articulate what your presentation has to do with the manifesto. This is a sapiosexual, “Smart Love,” “sex geek,” event. Saving the earth is sexy and doing it as a tribe is even sexier. We are especially interested in presenters focused on local, sustainable, DIY projects and processes. Got an embodiment practice to share? We are curious and open to hosting mystical shamanic earth loving rituals. We would especially love to have at least one presenter to speak for/about bees, mycelium, and stardust. To this end, people who are familiar with and studying the Mycoremediation work of Paul Stamets, www.fungiperfecti.com, the Shamanic bee practices of Michael Thiele www.gaiabees.com, and Tamara Wolfson www.thebeehealer.com/ and the cosmology and astrophysics of Neil DeGrasse Tyson or Brian Swimme are HOT! We are captivated by the sexy intelligence of Veronica Monet and Joanna Frueh. We are inspired by the compassionate and wise daily spiritual practices of Andrew Harvey, Reginald Ray, Pema Chodron, and many gifted others. The gift economy ideas and heart opening visions of Charles Eisenstein turn us on. Most of all, we want you to be yourself; your authentic, honest, integrated self. We want you to share your vision of the new culture we are all birthing together. We want to network and sing and dance with you, so send us a form with your ideas on it so we can start this conversation.

What the organizers will be offering themselves:

Reverend Teri D. Ciacchi will be providing “Grounding Visualizations” at the opening night ceremony and the beginning of each day to help everyone present have a sense of inner spaciousness and set the tone of “WE Centered Consciousness” for the symposium. Gabriella Cordova will provide techniques for being a fabulous lover. Suzanne Bernardi will host medicinal herb walk and an Herbal Aphrodisiacs talk. Bryce Bugby will be doing a workshop on self-massage. Kim Marks will be part of a panel on ecologically smart sex toys.

Who Is the “Target Market”? A Post Modern Mycelial Mat…

The EcoSexual Symposium will be marketed to a unique cross section of activists and spiritually minded people who are focused on holistic health and well-being and ready to extend their concerns for their own health to the overall health of the entire planet. We are also interested in listening to and merging with the long time residents of the Boise Elliot neighborhood whose history is our foundation. We are eager to include the younger middle class folks who have moved into the “N. Mississippi” area in the last 10 years or so, making it the “freaky Boutique-y” hot spot. Involving the local businesses and restaurants seems essential. We see these layers of our mutual communities and acknowledge our mutual interdependence. There is no target, there is a mycelial mat of foundational connection which requires attention and stewardship. Let’s tend to it together, shall we?

Your Participation / Proposed Compensation for Presenters:

The PDX Ecosex Symposium will split registration money 50/50 with presenters for each participant who signs up for their workshop. Registrants will pay for workshops one of two ways 1) individual workshop purchases (each 90 min workshop price is $15) or 2) a package deal (for $169) which allow them to attend as many workshops as they would like,, the Friday night opening festivities and Saturday’s Eco Ball. We have created an online crowd funding campaign on IndieGoGo.com to create the funds for the keynote speakers and other basic needs. FOR OUT OF TOWN PRESENTERS: If you don’t live in Portland and we accept your proposal, we’ll make you a deal: you find a way to get here and we will find a clean, comfy, free place for you to stay. Please participate and promote the event with social networking postings, links to our site, and perk offers on the IndieGoGo fundraising site. Please feel free to share your thoughts and ideas, and grow this budding new movement, enviro-strategy, and Ecosexual identity by writing blog posts to our website www.EcoSex.org. Please send us links to your sites and facebook about us and promote this event so we can have fun together.

How to Submit A Presenter Proposal for EcoSex Symposium Portland 2012 & our organizational process

If you’d like to present at this exciting event, please visit our website, www.EcoSex.org, click on GET INVOLVED, and then PRESENT. You can also just click on this link here: www.ecosex.org/present.html If you are interested but can’t submit online or have any further questions, please call Teri at (206) 612-3511.


Please be sure to fill in all the requested information and including:

• Your preferred form of contact, (phone, text, email)

• A 300dpi resolution photo of yourself for the website/promotional materials

• Your top three time slot preferences. (Proposed schedule posted at: www.EcoSex.org)

• Whether your preference is to be a paid presenter or part of the gift economy unconference

How to Know if Your Presenter Proposal Was Accepted

We are committed to making our choices, filling the scheduled presenter time slots, and posting them on the website by 8pm on May 12th. Please check the website after this time to see whether your proposal was accepted. Due to the high interest in the symposium, it is unlikely we will have the time to notify everyone whose proposals were not accepted.

Blessings from the lineage of EcoSexuality

We were very fortunate to have conversations in person with Annie Sprinkle April 13-15th during her visit to Portland. She came to do a talk on EcoSex and teach Orgasmic Breathwork at the Lotus Heart Center. We share with her our intentions for the EcoSex Symposium and she offered us her administrative support with documents and a review of what she and her partner Beth Stephens have done.

Thanks so much for your consideration. We look forward to your participation in the Symposium and to witnessing your creative offerings.

This letter was written by Teri D. Ciacchi on behalf of the EcoSex Symposium Portland 2012 production team that includes: Gabriella Cordova, Kim Marks, Suzanne Bernardi, Bryce Bugby, Celia Waddell, & Audrey Brown.

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