HEALING EVENTS WITH AMARA KARUNA IN PORTLAND AUG 27-29THCall Amara at 808 982 6755 to Register or receive more informationAmara will be in the area of Portland and available for private counseling, bodywork and breathwork sessions on Monday SEPT 29-Wed Oct 1st.Sat Sept 27thIntroduction to Sacred Sexual Healing Massage for Men and WomenPart 1: Introduction, Clothed Self Massage and Buttock Massage1 pm- 4:30 pm NE Portland Temple I AMYou do not need a partner for this class. It is a pre-requisite to the evening class:$15-25 Open to all, no experience needed, no nudity.Sat Sept 27thSacred Sexual Healing Massage Training for Men and WomenPart 2 Demos and instruction on Nurturing Women and Men5:30-9:30 pm, NE Portland Temple I AM. No partner needed.$40 – 70 per person, or $70- 125 per couple sliding scaleSun Sept 28th,Part 3: Sacred Sexual Healing Massage Practice trades6:00-9:30 pm, Practice trades for Women and MenMust have taken Parts 1 and 2, held at White Oak CenterYou need a partner who you know to attend this class with you.$35 – 70 per person, or $60- 125 per couple sliding scaleHolistic Peer Counseling Support GroupMonday Sept 29th, 6-9 pm$15-25 Wesley Martusewicz’s house at 1723 SE Woodward St Portland. ORThis will be a rare opportunity for HPC students. Several people will get a demo session with Amara, and we will all comment and discuss techniques of active counseling that are used in the session. Amara will discuss chronic patterns and how to work with them, and improving counselingskills. Bring your questions! We will practice doing mini sessions as well.Anyone trained in any form of peer counseling, such as RC, Allies, CoCo International and HPC is welcome. Great chance to network! Find new counselors!Call 808 982 6755 to register.
Amara will be in the area of Portland and available for private counseling, bodywork and breathwork sessions on
Monday Sept 29th -Wed Oct 1st 2014.
About Amara Karuna:Amara has been studying healing since 1978, was a licensed masseuse in Oregon, having studied Swedish, Esalen and deep bodywork, Polarity and pressure point release. She was trained in psychic reading, healing and meditation, and taught Re-evaluation Co-counseling, a method of peer counseling, for over five years, and has been studying and practicing it since 1983. In 1994 she began developing her own approach to peer counseling, called Wholistic Peer Support, integrating many ideas from RC with spiritual meditation practices, psychic healing and body centered techniques. Since 2003 she has been studying and teaching Tantra and sacred spot work with various teachers on the Hawaiian Islands. She has studied 6 kinds of sexual healing modalities.
See More about Amara on her website here: http://amarakaruna.webs.com