Pavini Moray is teaching a class called “Sexcessful Workshops” and I am going to take it.
It starts on Sunday Jan 11th at 6pm PST and I am so excited to polish up and rework my Clitoral Revelations and other Sacred Sexuality curriculums. I have been thinking about updating these courses for a while now but needed some support to figure out how to make registration easier. Pavini has the know how for this kind of marketing and I am so delighted to have this help.
Here are the talking points about Pavini’s workshop:
· For sex educators and professionals who are struggling with creating and filling their classes and workshops
· Professional support to create fabulous, well-attended sex workshops and get paid
· 8 live video classes, workbook, office hours, peer support and accountability
· Accessibly priced, and complete money-back guarantee
· Here’s the website for more info:
Dear Living Love Revolution community members,
I recently came across this workshop and thought you would like to know about it. It’s for sex educators and professionals who want to create amazing sexuality workshops that are full of the right students. And you’ll earn a rightful wage! I know Pavini personally and I trust her choice to work with Heidi; these folks will walk with you through the entire process. Here’s a link to The Sexcessful Workshop Seminar.
Let me know if you decide to take the class and feel free to forward!
Pavini Moray, M. Ed
Somatic Sex Educator and Sexological Bodyworker
Claim your complimentary eBook: “Free Your Sex: Your Toolkit for Erotic Liberation” 415-562-5158
Emancipating Sexuality’s Mission: Personal and Planetary Liberation through Pleasure at the Intersection of Sex, Magick and Science!
A few things about Pavini from their website:
“I identify as Queer, genderqueer, kinky, fat, witchy, radical, white, transmasculine, and joyful!
I am an education activist, trained and intitiated ritualist, and actively participate in several communities. I am in a conscious, committed and open relationship with my life partner. I love living in San Francisco and the sex-rich community it offers.
I bring years of teaching experience, education in sexuality, and personal growth work, all which create a container of acceptance and playful yet powerful exploration. As a sex coach, I walk with you and support you in meeting your own goals. As a sex educator, I have an abundance of resources and strategies to offer.
I am the founder of Emancipating Sexuality, and I am a sex educator at the New School of Erotic Touch. My many teachers include Joseph Kramer, Ellen Heed, Celeste and Danielle, and Dr. Liam Capt Snowdon, among many others.
I work in person with clients and groups in the San Francisco Bay Area. I also offer Somatic Sex Therapy and sex coaching by phone and Skype to clients who do not live in SF.”
What Teri has to say about Pavini:
Now I have my own amazing personal experiences with Pavini as a person who helped generate and focalize the accessibility team for Free Activist Witch Camp. So I already loved Pavini, but when I saw this video of Pavini on mystery box telling his story of manifesting his desire to hold a masturbation ritual at Witchcamp, I was deeply smitten with his commitment to following desire
Pavini Tells his Witchcamp Story on Mystery Box
And here Pavini Moray conducts an Erotic Experiments called “Expanding the Standard Deviation”. My favorite lines from this video is: “ I have a non-normative body. I have non-normative gender. I have non-normative sexuality. This project is a a radical act of resistance against the dominant paradigm, that says only certain bodies or certain experiences get to have sex or get to have pleasure”.
Expanding the Standard Deviation
Now, Don’t you want to spend more time with Pavini? Join The Sexcessful Workshop today!