EcoSex Salon and Poetry Tour
The delightful and talented Karen Hery is spearheading a tour of EcoSex Salons and Poetry performances from Seattle to LA this year as a way to be self expressed and spread the word about Surrender:the EcoSex Convergence
The tour started in Seattle Nov 15th when Walker hosted us at his new home in Lake Forest Park. At that time the lovely Bridge-It B’Moanin stepped up and went to Seattle with us and the three of us shared our poems.
This was the same day that Karen and I delivered a workshop on EcoSexuality for the Sacred Sexuality Meet up held at the Center for Sex Positive Culture in Seattle
The second event held on Dec 19th in Portland was:
EcoSexy Soulstice: Poetry, Fire Ceremony & Snuggle
which was amazing and fun and allowed us to connect more deeply with Kriyanna Feya Love and her “Temple I AM” community
The next offering will be in LA with SaRina Goode:
Sunday, December 28th Loving Wild 5-10pm Los Angeles, CA
And I will join Karen again in Seattle
January 24th 2015 In Seattle
7-10pm donations accepted*
3741 S 175th Street, SeaTac, WA
Enjoy performance poetry and a snuggle pit!
Portland poet, Karen Hery, leads this evening of poetry and bliss at the home of Brooklin Kayce as we contemplate our Lover the Earth, hear the EcoSex Manifesto of Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens, share favorite poems and stories and experiences from Surrender while we relax in a snuggle pit and get our “calm and connect circuits” going. *This event is a fun raiser for the 2015 Surrender:The EcoSex Convergence scholarship fund.
Surrender began in 2013 following the conviction that a gathering of environmentally focused social change activists around the identity of EcoSexuality could be a powerful way to 1) build community 2) support each other by sharing resources 3) create more space for the co-creation and development of activist actions 4) inspire permaculture projects 5) develop a sustainable long term intentional community that stretches across the Cascadia Bioregion.
What the heck is EcoSex?
The EcoSexuality movement combines a love of Nature and a commitment to evolve from a Mother/child relationship with the planet. EcoSexuals strive to treat the earth as a partner with sovereign rights and to treat each other with deep love and respect. EcoSexuality recognizes erotic energy as a potent source of personal, social and ecological change.
Even though this is called an EcoSex Salon, we have no intention of having any sex at this event. EcoSex Salons and the snuggling that occurs in them are sensual and therapeutic, designed for creating a sense of belonging, safety and closeness. The Cuddle Party(TM) guidelines of consensual non-sexual touch are followed.
Our events are drug and alcohol free. We serve herbal teas and will pass around a hat to collect donations ($10-$20 recommended donation) for event expenses as well as offering signed poems for sale for the Surrender scholarship fund.