Amara Karuna: Poem “Die Like a Flower”

Golden Hive
Die Like a Flower

The sunlight is dim
the clouds a sickly yellow
I smell a slight sting of ash

I feel the shadow of death
come nearer

The forest is burning
near, but not near enough for me to fear

The dark powers of the clouds
pushed against each other, roaring
wrestling and spitting fire
We all watched in awe
as humans have done since the beginning
suddenly reminded
how small we really are

The forest is choked, neglected
strangled with deadfall and underbrush
Because those who knew how to tend it
were hunted down
And those who came to take it
my people
are terrified of fire
horrified at death

We stopped the natural, cleansing cool fires
we stopped our own cleansing fires
afraid of passion
afraid of anger
afraid of lust
So, now everything is packed with it
ready to explode

The forest is burning down
and THIS fire means death
the trees are dying
the animals are running if they can
or just burning
They fight to live as we do

What does a flower feel
when the fire comes leaping over the hill?
That wave of transformation, eating everything
except the water and stone?

Perhaps it surrenders peacefully
because it’s roots are deep and safe
because it’s seeds are energized
because to a flower
death does not exist
only change

I want to die like a flower
when the times comes and there is nowhere to run

I want to bow down
let my form fall away
sink into my roots
deep into the embrace of the Mother
the Ground of Being

Become one with this vast eternal ocean
which delights in creating forms
and lets them fall away

I want to die like a flower
and wait in the dark womb of the Mother
until she brings me forth again
in some unknowable form

Amara Karuna
Aug 4, 2014

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