Media Stream – March 2013

Welcome to the Living Love Revolution Media Stream
Here I share the media I consumed or generated during the last month that relates to the LLR vision of creating an EcoMagickal culture of Love and Well-being.

NallaWalla NallaWalla2 NallaWalla3

In need of a little inspiration?
I know I am. Fortunately I always seem to find a source or three. Nala Walla is a heroine/role model of EcoSomatics and Ecosexual living whose essay “Body as Place: A Somatic Guide to Re-Indigenization” I found while reading the book “Hope Beneath Our Feet”. She lives in BCollective, a permaculture homestead in Nordsland, Wa which is also an arts collective for ecosomatic building and creative meditation.

Like me, she has applied the idea of permaculture grow zones to a holistic holographic zone system for human and environmental mutuality. Zone zero is the intra-psychic. Audrey, Nadia and I had the great pleasure of visiting her at home when returning from the Spring Mysteries festival. This visit started what I am sure will be a long a fruitful series of collaborations. Nala Walla and her partner do children’s theater performances. Nala is a speaker at the Portland city Repair Village Building convergence. Nala is looking for collaborators, students. allies, permaculture fans, artists and other ecosexuals to join her on her land for work parties and community building. you can reach her at or see her website at:

Here are two of my all time favorite American Heroes:

Charles Eisenstein, author of Sacred Economics and The Ascent of Humanity sends me his newsletter. He has written a new book The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible. He and his wife also
and have a new baby girl. In his newsletter is a Ted talk and I loved it, here is my favorite quote from the talk:

“Every Act that comes from the understanding of inner connection, of inner being is a spiritual act and also a political act because the world we see around us is built on a story. By acting from a different story we disrupt the psychic substructure of the mythology and offer an alternative.
The new story is about the dignity of materiality, the beauty of working with your hands. A reunion of heart and mind, a reunion of matter and spirit.Let us affirm in each other a new story of the people”

to get his newsletter write to him at:

Joanna Frueh’s most recent book is called The Glamour of Being Real 2011. Audrey and I both ordered a copy to read at our upcoming Earth Night An EcoSexy Celebration Mon April 22nd fundraiser. What things do I like about Joanna Frueh? Her books: Monster/Beauty: Building the Body of Love 2001, Erotic Faculties 1996 Clairvoyance (For those in the Dessert) 2008, Swooning beauty: A Memoir of Pleasure 2006, he email address is and her website is:
My favorite piece of her writing however is this essay on vaginal aesthetics.

More Links to check out:
Fabulous Queer performance art HAPPENING NOW that refers to John Lennon & Yoko Ono’s 1969 Bed In’s

How to be an Ally for the Idle No More Movement

POLYAmory Articles from Planet Waves and Eric Francis

An Article about Miranda Shaw’s book: Passionate Enlightenment Women in Tantric Buddhism

Amanda Palmer on The Art of Asking (TED)

Song from Cody Chestnutt about getting rid of technological awareness

Video on Lana Wachovski getting HRC visibility award Oct 2012

4 gay men string quartet “Well Strung” plays Kesha’s song Your love is my drug”

the icarus project

Look into sponsoring this group on your website United Plant Savers

My friends in Eugene continue their work building tiny affordable houses for everyone who wants them

I have a thing for Turn of the century pansexual gender fluid people here is evidence they existed

Feminism and Porn

Patricia Cota Robles releasing human ego meditation

A Plea for Bees (TED)

Urban Gardening

bradley manning

We offer you this moment of Pagan education: Pan was a God to the Romans…

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