Let’s find Mark a Great Place to stay in Seattle Sun-Wed

Update April 29, 2016

Hello Living Love Revolution Community Members!

Mark Welch is turning 50 this Beltane May 1, 2o16 and I would like to find him a physically accessible safe and friendly space for him to be 3 days a week when he is working on site in Downtown Seattle!


Help me create a new community household in Seattle for Mark Welch:

Hey Beloved Living Love Revolution community members,

My life partner Mark Welch scored a fabulous permanent full time job in Seattle that requires he be there from Sunday evenings until Wed afternoons after work. He is commuting by bolt bus and train back and forth between Seattle and Portland where we have a super sweet house together in the SE. We want to keep creating Cascadia wide community and so are offering to let people who want to spend regular time in Portland share our house. We have an awesome guest room and a fenced private back yard and are in the Woodstock neighborhood. Currently Mark is staying with Brendan Perkins and Christina Diedrich (Thanks so much you two have been really generous and we are deeply grateful!) But that household has really steep stairs and no handlebars in bathroom. Mark has fallen a few times and this is really hard on his body. Mark pays $20 a night to stay there and he is totally fine making a similar contribution or negotiating some similar arrangement.

Mark walks with canes and needs a space that is accessible. Here is his request as he wrote it:

“Mark is looking for a weekday crash pad! He now works in downtown Seattle from Monday through Wednesday each week. He’s looking for a place to stay on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday nights that is disabled-accessible (few to no stairs up or down, bed or couch relatively high off the floor, preferably a grab bar or two in the bathroom), and close to a bus or light rail stop. If you have such a place, please let us know!”20151128_131123

2 thoughts on “Let’s find Mark a Great Place to stay in Seattle Sun-Wed

  1. Hi Teri,
    We live in Shoreline 2 1/4 short blocks from the express bus to downtown and 1 short block to bus to Northgate with a transfer to downtown. we have a split level ranch with 8 indoor steps with a railing. The room has a walk-in shower, toilet, and sink. There is a towel bar and we could install a grab bar by the toilet.
    Sending hugs to you,

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