Here is an attempt to let you know what I am doing here on the LLRS website

It is Jan 12, 2025. I am spending quite a bit of my time instilling the new habit of drawing 10-30 min a day. The three images in the photo above are from my experiments with self healing. I invite all of us to really examine the source of our sensory inputs, the medias we consume and the habits we participate in consuming media/culture. I think of my friend and teacher Antero Alli (may he rest in peace and power), who said “If you are consuming more media than you are generating you are in trouble”.
Below is my handmade page graphic of LLRS Winter activities Dec 2024 – March 2025 ~ Some of what I am co-generating within my community. If you want to join us please contact me through text or email My phone is the same 206-612-3511 but I have new emails as I evolve away from google.
Try me now at these new proton emails:
For LLRS “church” non profit events and services <>
For Classes and sessions that ask for $ use the Interdependence & Autonomy LLC email : <>
and For my art use <> THANKS!
If you want to get the Living Love Revolution newsletter, Sign up on the first page of this website.

My focus this winter is ending my nightly habit of watching “TV” via youtube and Netflix and Apple + DISNEY (although I mean Agatha All Along was pretty fabu for Disney right?) etc, etc and creating art and working on my own projects instead. I am enjoying myself a LOT more actually.

I am having a FABULOUS time with two distinct but related 10 min a day art practices that I found on SUBSTACK. Adam Ming Ten Minute Artist and WendyMac of DrawTogether I am going to post a bunch of my efforts here for your enjoyment. My first experience with WendyMac was this cool “More Of/Less Of 2025” new year graphic exercise.

All of this art is an actual update on what I am doing. I have some weird digestive illness that is keeping me home bound for a little while but I am sure to recover fully soon. If you want to get the newsletter, sign up on the first page of this website. Megan and I are teaching CHPC with our new dear and beloved friend Jesus B. helping us with tech support.
SOCIAL MEDIA WOES This is my first attempt to connect my website and my newsletter in about 5 years. As always, we have been causing “Happenings” and attending conferences and teaching things and holding temples etc. I have not had the ability or interest in maintaining a website presence. Given the current political events in the USA I have even less interest in using social media like FB and Instagram and X as all of these media are owned and run by oligarchs who seem intent on killing us. Sigh. But my family of origin are all on FB and I can send one note to everyone there at once. And the first day I got on SUBSTACK I saw a huge debate about nazis, fascists and freedom of speech. Oh my Goddess, there is no such thing as purity or any way to be using any of these medias that does not generate some forms of harm… WHAT a dilemma. So, I have to find alternatives and that will take a while. If you have any ideas of what media outlets seem sane and interested in observable material reality and building community @ mutual aid societies then please let me know.
I am also having a great deal of struggle creating pages on this website and navigating social media in general. So please bear with me as I clumsily also add the one sex positive, body positive event I am co-leading in February with Amy Weissfeld of Joyful Self Love click link to visit her site, watch a cute video of us and register for the event. Sliding Scale $75-$150