Greetings Divine Beings:
Imbolc, or Groundhog’s Day with a full moon in Leo was last Friday Feb
2nd. Imbolc is a lunar Wiccan High Holy Day. It is a time of
“Quickening” when the flame of the spirit reenters the Earth element.
Wow what a great day to get recharged. I had a great evening staying
home and getting organized. I also had an opportunity to listen to a
of Andrew Harvey’s talk fro the 6th annual conference on Shamanism and
sacred sexuality. Several of my friends attended and I am inspired to
go next year. I also had seen a DVD of his keynote speech. Thanks to
Dawn F. for giving me access to these as well as 2 CD’s of Margot
Andrew Harvey is a Gay Mystic, Tantric Scholar and radical
environmentalactivist who holistically ties many threads of body and spiritual
practices together. He is a true visionary who explains in his work
that the purpose of practicing Tantra is to attain states of bliss
thatawaken our beings/consciousness to our immanent divinity. He calls us
to do this work so we can awaken and tend to the environmental crisis of
the planet at this time. The Earth as the Divine Feminine, the Mother
Goddess is suffering due to the lack of balance between the masculine
and feminine. This theme continues to be repeated in my presence over
the last 2 months. I feel called to give myself to the cause of sexual
healing even more urgently. I am going to be more fully expressed in
offering my work and these messages to the world this year. I feel
both inspired and supported.
Today I spent the afternoon in a support group for Urban Priestesses.
Women who do energy and light work, women who do sex work, women who
do whole body healing, and women who are allies of these works. I had the
delightful experience of hearing from these women that they were aware
of my work and had been hoping to meet me. One woman even expressed
that she had first been exposed to open sexual exploration at the
Kinky Carnival. She attributed her current work to attending that event. I
was so moved.
I am more and more present to the impact I actually do have.
I feel strong and proud and blessed and seen. I want to let all of you
know how much I appreciate your interest and support of my work. If
there is anything I can do to further encourage your sexual healing
and sensuous liberation, please let me know.
In love and gratitude, Teri Ciacchi aka TerraFire.
February Offerings from TerraFire Academy
Temple of the Open Heart: Education for Ecstatic Being
Friday February 16th 7:00-10:00 pm $20
& Saturday February17th 1:00-5:00 pm $40 ( both for $50)
Friday March 2nd 7:00-10:00 pm $20 Fri evening only
At Temple of the Senses 6529 Latona Ave.
Teri Ciacchi and Ki Rohn lead you into the Now Moment with activities
that bring your awareness and focus back into your
body. We will be dancing, eye gazing, heart connecting, and learning
other simple powerful practices that will increase your intimacy
building skills, celebrate the ecstatic nature of your body and
the divine source within us all.
Please feel free to call or email to register or ask questions.
Ki Rohn is a Tantric masseuse who practices in Vancouver B.C. Teri D. Ciacchi MSW is a counselor and sex
educator in Seattle
“Get What you Want!”: Flirting skills for Everyone
Sunday February 18th 5:30 to 7:30pm $20
Wild at Heart 1111 NW Leary Way in Ballard
Flirt for fun! Flirt for Friendship! Flirt for Sex! Flirt for
Flirting has many intentions and all of them are valid and uplifting!
Do the people you flirt with enjoy you? Learn the body language
signals that are universal indications of interest. Become
conscious of what your own body language is saying, and also how
other people read it. Practice flirting in a fun and safe place. Trust
Teri to show you how being sexy can be fun!
My Funny Valentine with Allena Gabosch & Teri Ciacchi
Tuesday February 20th Erotic Seattle Education Salon
Dinner 6:00 pm discussion 7:00-9:00 pm FREE
Capitol Club 414 E Pine St (Cross St: Bellevue Avenue)
Let’s create a light-hearted discussion of sexuality at it’s most
Share your own humorous sex stories or tattle on others. Lost condoms,
“misplaced clitori”, bad lube choices, getting caught “red-handed and
red-faced” in the act; you know you’ve been there. Join us for an
evening of sex positive laughter and hilarity.
Rage Release Workshop with Teri Ciacchi
Friday Feb 23rd 7:00 pm-10:00 pm $20
Home Alive studio 1415 10th Ave 2nd floor Suite #3
Teri Ciacchi leads this workshop specifically designed to allow for a
deep catharsis of anger. Participants will work in groups of three
boxing gloves, safety pads and punching bags to release pent up
frustrations and rage. Safety precautions and instructions on how to
have healthy release will be covered. This workshop is perfect for
people who know they are angry and easily triggered. Most of us
have never had a safe place to let go without fear of retaliation,
judgment or blame. Here is your opportunity to begin a journey towards
wholeness and self-acceptance around anger. Don’t wait until you
accidentally explode and cause yourself to lose a job or relationship.
As with all other TerraFire Academy classes this workshop is open
to all genders. Because of the psychological impact and healing nature
of this workshop pre-registration is required. People who have not
previously worked in a counseling or teaching relationship with Teri
will need to have a phone consultation with her prior to the class.
The TerraFire Academy of Aphrodisiacal Living:
Sex Positive Revolution: One Orgasm at a Time
(206) 612-3511 blog: