Summer, Blessed Summer is here! I am a Leo baby ( August 1st ) and always feel my best in the summer!
I have some lovely experiences to offer you this week and sincerely hope you’ll join me: Holistic Peer Counseling Thursday,
I am freshly mentally flossed from my 12 day Vipassana meditation retreat. Vipassana is a very pure, simple form of meditation which is believed to have come directly from the work of Gatama the Buddha.
My dear friend Jude went with me and we spent 10 days doing a rigorous routine that went like this: awake 4am * meditate 4:30-6:30am * breakfast 6:30 free time until meditating again 8-9am * meditate again 9am-11am * Lunch 11am-1pm * meditate 1-5pm * tea & fruit at 5pm * meditate 6-7pm * discourse video with S.N. Goenka 7-8:15pm * meditate 8:15pm-9pm * questions with teachers * lights out at 10pm Sleep. This was my schedule for 10 days. Oh yes and did I mention you cannot talk except: 1)to ask the manager for something when you have an emergency need such as a flashlight or 2) to have a private or public question with the teachers. For the first three days you are simply focusing on the natural flow of your breath in the small triangular space between your upper lip and around your nostrils. This is called anapanna. On the 4th day you actually learn Vipassana which is focusing on physical sensations and becoming neutral about whatever cravings or aversions arise in your consciousness. On the 7th day there begins a focus called “fierce determination” where for an hour on three separate occasions you attempt to not move your arms and legs or open your eyes.
I learned a
I also enjoyed my amusing, bizarre and creative mind. There is quite the juke box in my head. I wrote a comic book, made up new Podcasts, redesigned my website, and came up with lots of new workshops. Such is the nature of desire in a human form. And hey, I survived and I feel really strong, maybe even a bit invincible, (anybody else hear a Helen Reddy song in there, geesh!).
I also had a wonderful time visiting my family in
I’m glad to be back to my
Hello my good friend and best counselor.
This blog does not do your empire justice – at least in the newer posts category. I would love to see more postings from you. I know that you are going thru some major stuff right now – including a recent cancer diagnosis and treatment.
Thru all of this you have kept up with your greater physical seattle community and continued to grow your peacful, powerful and life-changing messages.
I am just getting into blogging myself and the practice is just like prayer – it’s gotta be done everyday.
I love your mind and I am sure I would love your posts!
trying doing a post every day that’s just a paragraph – maybe a short story about somthing that happened that day -take out the names and post the lesson.
Barry told me how to keep the practice going and it’s all about making it simple.
Share your amazing self with the blogosphere! we sooooo need your posts out here. we’re starving!