Ballard Odd Fellow’s Hall "Does the Right Thing"

Here is the copy of the Press Release issued by Bob Duniway the Grand Lodge Master I hope I got that title correct) of the Odd Fellow’s. Please feel free to send him a thank you note.

Ballard Odd Fellows

Contact: Bob Duniway For Immediate Release
Phone: (206)372-4164

Ballard Odd Fellows Respond to Controversy

On the evening of Saturday, May 10th the 4th Annual Kinky Carnival is taking place in the Ballard Odd Fellows Hall on Market Street. While the event is advertised as “A delightful and safe playground for the secret (or not so secret) hedonist in you.” at least a few individuals don’t see it as delightful. The Ballard Odd Fellows have received a few phone calls from upset individuals threatening to disrupt the event with protests and by calling the police.

The Odd Fellows, who are not involved with organizing or sponsoring the event, but merely renting out their hall, were taken by surprise by these messages. “When this group approached us about renting the hall, we had a clear conversation with them about respecting our neighbors and not being willing to rent if the event would be disruptive,” said Bob Duniway, past President of the lodge, “so we were initially concerned that they were violating that agreement with their advertising.” Specifically, the lodge representatives had been assured that advertising would be tasteful and low key, and that nothing in the advertising would imply that the event was being sponsored or endorsed by the Odd Fellows. “From all the advertising material we have seen so far, there isn’t any association between this group and our lodge. So some individuals or a group went to extra effort of finding our hall rental phone numbers and called us to complain and threaten action.”

The fact that the lodge rented the hall for this event was not viewed as a judgment about the nature of the event on the part of the lodge. “We have a hall available for rent, and a community organization approached us wanting to hold an event. We signed a rental agreement after discussing the nature of the event, and being assured it would not involve any illegal conduct, endanger the building or anyone in the building, and wouldn’t disturb the neighbors. The Ballard Odd Fellows are not a particularly judgmental group, and we didn’t make a judgment either condoning or condemning what people were going to be doing in this event. Apparently there are a few people who feel differently, and who are going to some trouble to try to prevent or disrupt this event. At this point there is some danger that protests may disturb the community when the event itself otherwise wouldn’t.” Duniway observed. “Hopefully it won’t turn out that way.”

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