Living Love Revolution Jan 2016 Newsletter Media Stream
Here are my top picks of media I enjoyed in Jan 2016
AN absolutely fabulous EcoSexy video from World Wildlife Fund:
I have also really been enjoying the memes created by conscious-collective on instagram
“Mycelium are the soil magicians turning death into fertile loam, transferring resources underground; from one being to the next, forming the mycelial mat that sustains us all” – Reverend Teri D. Ciacchi
My friend Kai Duke is sitting at this Yamantaka Empowerment in Arizona with her root teacher. Live Streaming video of the Tibetan Buddhist Yamantaka Empowerment will happen on Jan 31st:
Iceland is Bringing back the Old Gods!;
Female & Fungi
A group of Female radical Mycologists have a blog, Check it out!
CHEESE IS A DRUG!: I thought this might be the case and now Science has proven it!
Bees Stream
Working with our hearts in energetic embodiment practices “Bees are the radiant heart field of the Gaiac Bodies” -Reverend Teri D. Ciacchi
The Cuddleist:A directory of people who cuddle professionally
Anti Oppression work includes rethinking the paradigms of looksism, sexism, racism ableism and other forms of oppression that we were socialized to believe are normal.
Here is one of my favorite blogs about revisiting size oppression: Dances with Fat
“Consent is not so simple a feminist perspective” by LaSara Firefox Allen
“Consent: Really not that complicated” by Rock Star Dinosaur, Pirate Princess Blog
Women responding courageously to experiences that lacked consent:
Women preparing financially so they can actually afford to have consent:
The Story of a “Fuck Off” Fund
Some Useful Polyamory advice
Stardust Stream
“ Understanding that we are channels for the Divine and that we must both rewrite and embody new mythologies as well as learn to think and behave constellation-ally is part of the work of Living Love Revolution” – Reverend Teri D. Ciacchi
Goddess Bless David Bowie and all the amazing art and music and performance he brought to us. And Seriously, if you have not seen his Black Star video yet, you are missing out. My Beloveds Chris and Kim invited me to a Bowiw-oakie event on Feb 2nd which is, you guessed it an ALL Bowie Karaoke night. I can’t wait.
The Archdruid Report wherein John Michael Greer talks about why The working class is resentful of the salaried class: Donald Trump and the Politics of Resentment
Super cool new Creative collaborative production company
Bansky Street Art makes comments about how England is treating Syrian immigrants
EcoSexy portraits by local Portland artist A. Galluzo