Let’s Get Busy Generating Some New Culture Shall We?
Rather than argue or expend energy on those things which do not advance your vision for a New Culture based on a Love ethic, why not stay focused on your vision and create more of what you do want to see. You know the good old Ghandian addage: “Be the Change you want to see in the world”.
In order to create a groundswell of support for values and ways of living that honor the sacredness of ALL life, we each, as individuals have to have within us a great deal of self-love and have our basic needs for food clothing and shelter met (Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs pyramid is relevant here). We each of us have to feel loved, loveable and have enough inner resource to be able to give to others from our overflow. My recent meditations, after seeing Paul Stamets live here in Seattle last November, have been full of the idea of creating a strong horizontal mycelium matt. You know the thread like network of interconnection that mushrooms, the fruiting body of mycelium shoot up from. I want a thick, rich, loamy, nutrient dense soil for Living Love Revolution. I want to connect strongly with you, other people who believe in intentional community and love.
What I am doing is learning how to love myself and other people more deeply. Last year I worked with a core group of people (that included David Cates, Robyn Lynn, Lance DeMuth, Leela Pastala and Daenin Tejeda and others) in an experiment to export Love Tribe here from Portland. We had a lot of successful events and ultimately I felt drained by the amount of time and energy it took. Unfortunately my class situation (the fact that I do not own property or a house and must work for an hourly wage to support myself) made it impossible for me to continue to due the 20 hours a week of unpaid community organizing, counseling and healing that running Love Tribe events required.
I Need Your Help
I need help and support right now because I have tried to live in a house alone that is too expensive for too long. I got caught up in a fantasy that I could double my housing expenses while going on a teaching tour (I taught at various festivals and conferences from August 3rd- Sept 15th) and make it all work. The fantasy hasn’t panned out. I am in serious debt and facing being evicted. Sigh!
Deep Discounts On My Sessions
So what can I do? What I have to offer you is my work. I can offer anyone who is on the actually reading my blog a discounted rate on the following services: Tarot Readings, Healing, coaching and counseling sessions that focus on sexual healing, alternative & open relationship issues, BDSM, Witchcraft, personal and group Ritual construction, sex magick, the Study and integration of Pagan Deities into your life, How to increase intimacy and satisfaction in any relationship, clear, honest authentic communication. If you need help in any of these areas, call me. My regular rates are $75-$200 an hour. Right now, I need to raise $1000.00 by January 25th, so I will accept many offers I would normally not consider.
Feedback Wanted: I would really like to hear from you what I would need to do to increase attendance at my events. Please contact me with your feedback.
Classes Generating Living Love Revolution Culture
I also have been busy translating my daily spiritual practice into classes and salons for you. Here is a partial list of what I am teaching or sponsoring from now until April 30th. Most have pages on facebook.
All of my events, classes & salons include embodiment exercises, psychic protection, healing & other magicks. I teach Holistically and focus on giving people tools they can immediately use in their daily lives. It is also common for me to invoke Deity and have an altar set up. I start all of my salons with a Grounding exercise and a list of intentional discussion guidelines. Living Love Revolution teaching style is an integration of several systems of Magick, Embodiment practices, sound academic research, grassroots activism and intuitive body wisdom. I have found that when I am teaching about sex and spirituality, it is essential to create and maintain a resonant heart field. Thus, I find it vitally important to align myself with Deity when teaching.
Currently I am teaching exclusively at the Sharma Center. I lead a Living Love Revolution Salon series there every Tuesday Night 7-9pm. I teach the 1st Tuesday and there is a rotating collective of other teachers.
So here is some of what I’m teaching or supporting in the fair Emerald City from Jan-March
Look for the Living Love Revolution Sharma Salon Series every Tuesday
Tues Jan 18th “Cuddle Huddle” w/Spiral $5-10
Tues Jan 25th Elephants in Bedroom:Effects of Sexual Shame w/David $5-10
Thur Jan 27th Sexy Body Sexy Mind!Increasing Sexual Self Esteem $20-50 http://bit.ly/f2uYOc
Mon Jan 24th There is a 6 week Elements of Magic Reclaiming class starting Hekate & Maevyn are teaching it Look it up on facebook!
Sun Jan 30th Public Imbolc Ritual “Brigit: Purification/Inspiration/Dedication” at Om Culture $10
Tues Feb 1st “Re-Membering Aphrodite: Reclaiming Your Sacred Sexy Self!” $10
Thurs Feb 3rd Kristen Rawson is teaching Holistic Peer Support workshops to help you learn how to trade deep listening and clear emotional distress: http://holisticpeersupport.com/faq.html
Saturday Feb 5th Kristen & Nekole teach “HPC for Birth” to help you create shame free emotionally healthy families: www.tantricbirth.com
Tues Feb 8th “How to Be Yourself at a Sex Party” w/ Will $5-10
Tues Feb 15th “Intimate Communication 101” w/ Spiral $5-10
Tues Feb 22nd Elephants in the Bedroom: Healing Sexual Shame w/ David $5-10
Thurs Feb 24th Re-Membering Aphrodite with Sensuous Magicks $20-50
Tues March 1st Cliteracy Salon $5-10
March 12th Clitoral Revelations $125 person
April 30th Vulvic Explorations $50-$70person $140 Triad