Dec 15-20 LLR Moving to Woodstock


 There’s No Place Like Home

This is what the place across the street 3695 NW South Rd looks like right now. Which is a huge part of why we are choosing to find Living Love Revolution a new home base. Although we knew that the two homes across the street and the 400-500 year old Oak tree and small vineyards and many smaller trees that lived there were slated for destruction, I had no idea how dramatic the impact on my psyche would be. I have been waking up for the last two months M-F at 7:30am with the loud sounds of construction. I began to develop startle reflexes from sounds and have not been able to sleep properly. I am very grateful to Katessa, Ruby and Daniel for helping me move my bedroom into the back of the House of Making. It has given me the ability to sleep and rest well for the rest of the time in this house.

I also want to say that witnessing the destruction of natural habitat has been demoralizing and depressing. I have been processing a lot of grief over the Oak tree and other beings who were demolished. It is hard because I do not want to blame the working class men who are running the machinery and doing the work that the developers will make (literally) millions of dollars from. It was difficult however to witness them joking and speaking with bravado about cutting down and then chipping and shredding the Oak tree. On the day after the main trunk was downed, they were standing around in the morning using female pronouns about how they “took her down”. It may seem simplistic to other people but I felt directly and personally threatened by the emotional context of these comments. Synchronistically, I have been working on sexual and erotic consent violations occurring within our communities and subcultures. Co-incidentally, I have been dealing with the impact of a consent violation that occurred between myself and a (now former), lover. The connections are more than symbolic and metaphoric for me. There is a direct impact and correlation for me between the characterization of Nature and the planet as female and my own daily experience of the micro-agressions of misogyny, fat phobia and body hatred. When my own personal space, my living space is not safe from consent violations and my close friends are not clear about whether or not I have the right to make decisions about my own physical safety or risk taking, and I cannot sleep safely, well, then it is time to leave.


So Mark Welch and I made a list of everything we anted in a place. Then I spent about 30 hours looking at what was available and driving around to see how things felt. We only looked inside of one house and it was the right one.

We are moving to a new home in SE Portland in the Woodstock neighborhood. We are considering calling it “Stardust Home” in any case, we will find/divine/interpret the right name soon. I will have a Temple space in the house but do not know yet if it wil be called Temple Venus Asteria or not. right now it feels like this new chapter requires new names for everything as well.

We need help Packing & Moving!

If you have time and space and are willing to help us, We are going to need a big embrace of assistance from Dec 15-20th to move all our belongings into the new home. There is a 2 car garage so we can store stuff there and sort it out slowly. Yes, we do need your help! If you want to take one of my classes in 2016, like the CHPC course, or the Sacred Sexuality course, a great way to use your gift economy trade would be to help us move, receive an hourly wage in trade and apply it to the taking of the classes later on. Give me a call 206-612-3511 and we will work it out!


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