I have been listening to and studying the work of Paul Stamets http://bit.ly/eV9KQ0 and his “mycorestoration” process for healing habitats. In the October 2010 a long row of mushrooms grew itself in a line up the street to my front door and then made a ring around the outside of the house. In contemplating this event during meditation it occurred to me that I needed to include “mycorestoration” of the grounds in my plans for building a physical Temple. My meditation practice is is a merging of Tibetan Buddhism in the Dharma Ocean lineage and Reclaiming and Church of Divine Man visualizations where I drop down into both the physical planet earth and the element of earth and listen and merge energetically. In the last four months I have come to see that helping to restore and deepen the mycelium mat in the ground is essential to manifesting a physical Temple or possibly any material thing I desire. This mycorestoration and Stamets’ belief that mycelium are the neural network of the planet ( or alternately earth’s internet) has become increasingly compelling and is now guiding a lot of my magical work and social networking.
Stamets also believes that mushrooms came to Earth on asteroids and are literally stardust. Ancient mythologies and stories abut life coming here from other planets on asteroids that fell into the sea are one of the sources of the origin myth of Aphrodite. Stars falling through the sky with their trailers looking like a woman’s hair or a weeping woman = Aphrodite. Asteriod falling into the sea and foaming. Life emerging from the sea. Mushrooms breaking down the rock with oxalic acids and forming the first soils so that life could literally come onto earth. Aphrodite emerging from the sea and coming to land to create desire, union= life on earth. The current intention of BCWC 2011 which I helped to create by participating in the “visioning” for this intention was created in the same time frame as the mushrooms fruiting around my house and seems to me to be very relevant to the work I have described here.
“Between earth and starry heavens we gather allies of love to help us open to love’s ability to transform all obstacles. We marry our love to acts of joyful service to the earth.” INDEED!
I have been receiving a specific series of energy practices during the meditations connected with the mushrooms, star dust and sending love and healing into the earth. I’ll be teaching these in my ongoing salons at Sharma Center www.sharmacenter.org www.livingloverevolution.com
I am also going to create an event to restore the Mycelium mat by spreading spores. SO join me on Thursday Feb 10th and we’ll restore the mat!
Fantastic article. I know you seem very busy but I would love to know if any of inspiration for mushrooms as stardust is Australian?
Dear Lynsey,
I am not sure what you are really asking. I am not Australian nor have I been to that beautiful and great continent. I am always curious about and interested in more information regarding mushrooms/mycelium, bees and stardust. Just this morning i am busy reading both “Bees” a collection of essays by Rudolph Steiner and “The Sacred Bee” by Hilda M. Ransome. I believe based on my interview and time spent with Michael Theile of http://www.gaiabees.com that there is a connection between bees and mycelium through their mutual use of oxalic acid but I have not had a chance to research that yet. I am in the process of generating a zine called “Radical Bee Loving Apiculture” inspired by the format of a zine I received at the Radical Mycology Convergence last August called Radical Mycology. I have been continuing to study Stardust as well and see that Brian Swimme’s work on New Cosmology represented by his new movie The Journey of the Universe and other works by astrophysicists asserting the scientific evidence that we are actually literally made of stardust is very fascinating. If you are interested in these topics, please sign up for my newsletter and investigated the archives of my media stream for I am building a list of resources there that are my research. I will gladly receive any info you have about how this all connects to Australia. Please share with me what you know. Feel free to connect with me more directly by writing to me at:livingloverevolution@me.com
Thanks so much for your interest. Blessings, Teri Ciacchi