Sublet on Oxytocin Acre Meditation Retreat Here We Come!


Mark Welch and I are going to attend 3 weeks of Dharma Ocean’s Winter Dathun meditation retreat at the Blazing Mountain Center in Crestone Colorado. We will be gone from our cozy little home at Oxytocin Acre from Dec 11th until Jan 8th.
We are looking for a subletter to pay $500 and help Stephanie and Zak watch our cats. As with everything here in Living Love Revolution land lots of things can be negotiated. It is a very big deal for Mark to go with me to a largely silent meditation retreat focused on the paractices from Reggie Ray’s Mahamudra for the Modern World


Personally I cannot wait to sleep on the shrine floor under the Kurukulla altar again. My Winter Dathun experience in 2011-2012 was so empowering. No sugar, no gluten, terrific sangha. All I had to do was meditate and integrate 50 odd years of distress and programming. Seriously though it was a deeply healing experience and I can’t wait to share the retreat with Mark. What a wonderful way to spend the holidays. Call if you are interested in the Oxytocin Acre sublet! 206 612-3511

Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche altarBlazing Mountain View

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