Hey, I am turning 48 tomorrow How about that! What a surprise, what a delight, what a Mystery! Did not see this coming when I was in my 20’s or 30’s. But here I am getting ready for an another glorious weekend celebrating Aphrodite, preparing to spend August Giving talks, holding events and selling KarunaArts prayerflags and banners at the “You Know Squat” Campout the Beloved Festival and BC WItchcamp. Still a devout WIccan, still into Priestessig, still teaching Holistic Peer Suppport. Sitting pretty with my new Talk Radio show: www.sextalkradionetwork.com Really feeling good, productive, well-loved, blessed. As sassy as ever. May the Goddess continue to keep me close to her heart, nestled up in her bosom and may many others come to find me here, where I have always been; Radiant & Magnetic Beaming with Love !