Holistic Peer Counseling Support Group
Amara Karuna: Author of Heartbeat Nurturing Therapy
and teacher of HPC for 25 years
Monday August 25th, 6-9 pm
1723 SE Woodward St. Portland, OR
$20-$60 donation (some gift economy trades accepted)
This will be a rare opportunity for HPC students. Several people will get a demo session with Amara, and we will all comment and discuss techniques of active counseling that are used in the session. Amara will discuss chronic patterns and how to work with them, and improving counseling skills. Bring your questions! We will practice doing mini sessions as well.
Amara will be in the area of Portland and available for private counseling, bodywork and breathwork sessions on Monday -Weds that week. Call 808 982 6755.
Amara taught Re-evaluation Co-counseling, a method of peer counseling, for over five years, and has been studying and practicing it since 1983. In 1989 she developed her own approach to peer counseling, called Wholistic Peer Support, integrating many ideas from RC with spiritual meditation practices, psychic healing, breathwork and body centered techniques.
Teri Ciacchi has continued this in Seattle and several other teachers have adapted and taught this work. Amara has taught hundreds of people to do peer counseling, and currently leads several classes and support groups in Hawaii, including groups for sexual healing, parents and leaders. Amara lives in Ashland, OR and Hawaii.
Contact Amara to register by emailing her at: amara@mindspring.com or calling her at: 808-982-6755
Hello Friends! I hope to see you at some of these juicy events!
Sacred Sexual Healing events in Portland, AugustIntroduction to Sacred Sexual Healing MassageFriday, August 22nd, 6-9:30 pm, BeavertonSacred Sexual Healing Massage Training for Men and WomenSat August 23rd, Beaverton10 am- 2:30 pm Demos and instruction on Nurturing Women and Men,3:30- 7 pm Practice trades for Women and MenShakti Activation DaySun Aug 24th, BeavertonMorning: Women’s Taoist Sexual Healing Practices 9 am- 11:30 amAfternoon: Yoni Revelations 12:30- 3:30 pmHolistic Peer Counseling Support GroupMonday August 25th, 6-9 pm1723 SE Portland,OR for experienced co-counselors onlySacred Sexual Healing Massage Practice for Women6-10 pm Tues Aug 26th, Portland TBA
DETAILS:Introduction to Sacred Sexual Healing MassageFriday, August 22nd 6- 9:30 pmwith Amara KarunaThis class is an introduction to the techniques and theory of sacred nurturing massage to the pelvis, perineum and genital area. This can be exchanged within a context of safe therapeutic sessions between partners or friends, and have profound effects. This massage is extremely powerful and effective to prepare for birthing, and for the general health of the pelvic area.How to share slow and nurturing healing touch with your lovers and friends. Great for birth preparation, healing traumas, improving sexual experiences, and deepening sacredness in relationships.This is a very informative introductory class, even if you do not take the further classes. If you want to take the further training offered on Saturday but have no one to practice with, please come this night and perhaps you may find a practice partner. This will be an overview of the work, including external self massage, discussion, and will not include nudity.Amara will present:*Introduction to working on both men and women, doing release work around the pelvis and internally.*Benefits and intentions of this practice.*What are pelvic exercises and why should you do them?*Pulling up energy through the microcosmic orbit.*Subtle Energy Self Discovery: self massage*Pelvic Breathing & stretching- Bringing aliveness to the pelvic area*Pelvic anatomy*We will also exchange a little massage on the buttocks and lower back, while clothed.You do not need to attend with a friend. Bring a sarong or pad to lie on. We will do self massage around our own pelvic and external genital area, with clothes on. Wear loose clothes. We will also exchange some awesome massage of the buttocks!$15-25 Open to all, no experience needed, no nudity. Beavertoncall to preregister 808- 982 6755Sacred Sexual Healing Massage Trainingfor Men and WomenSat August 23rdMorning Training for new studentsAfternoon practice for new and returning studentsThese workshops will include a demonstration of the powerful external massage techniques to open and relax the pelvic area, and a practice time in pairs. The focus will be on nurturing touch, and not on sexual stimulation, although we are open to that occurring. The first half of the day is a prerequisite for those who have never taken a training with Amara, and will include anatomy, reflexology of the sexual organs, instructions on techniques and demonstrations on both male and female models.The second half of the day will include a chance for hands on practice with a partner, while being guided through a series of nurturing moves.Please come with a partner you trust, and you are both currently in a good relationship connection. Be comfortable with group nudity and emotional release work. Not recommended for people who are beginners in healing and emotional work. Same sex partners are fine. If you do not have a partner, you might find one at the introductory evening on Friday.10 am- 2:30 pm Demos and instruction on Nurturing Women and Men,$40 – 70 per person, or $70- 125 per couple sliding scalepre-requisite for the afternoon class for new students3:30- 7 pm Practice trades for Women and Men,$35 – 70 per person, or $60- 125 per couple sliding scaleThis second class is open to people who have taken this training before, who want to attend and practice.Bring lube, a sheet, massage oil, a small blanket, a massage table if you have one.please pre-register with Amara
Shakti Activation Daywith Amara KarunaWomen’s Taoist Sexual Healing Practices 9 am- 11:30 amYoni Revelations 12:30- 3:30 pmAttend one class or stay for the whole day!Sunday August 24th in BeavertonCome join us for an eye opening day of ritual, practices, discussion and play!Women’s Taoist Sexual Healing PracticesWe will be learning ancient Taoist qigong, pelvic exercises and self breast massage techniques for building our physical energy and keeping our breasts and yoni toned and healthy.This support group is a beautiful experience of cultivating your sexual/sensual Goddess energy. Perfect for beginners and experienced practitioners of Tantra & other arts.These practices are simple and easy to learn and use in every day life. The benefits include:* reduction or elimination of menstrual cramps* more vitality and creativity – clearer sense of self, personal power and _expression* strong, toned and supple pelvic muscles – firmer breasts* opening of the heart – compassion* healing of old/deep wounds* containing and cultivating sexual energyDoes not require nudity, although women may choose to take off tops for the breast massage.Bring sarongs, flowers, snacks, massage oil, fold out pads/blankets and pillows, and costume jewelry to adorn ourselves. Invite women friends!$15- 35 suggested donation. 2.5 hoursYoni RevelationsDid you know that women have as much erectile tissue as men?That your clitoris is actually a very complex organ with many hidden parts?What is amrita? What are the secrets to learning to ejaculate, and why would you want to learn that? What type of yoni do you have?Where is your female prostate and what is it for?Reclaim your pride and enjoyment of your own female organs. Come learn some amazing facts, and bring your questions and experiences to share.This class will explore:* The amazing and complex structure of the female organs, and the Taoist reflexology zones hidden in them.* Exploring our own experiences and attitudes toward our yonis* We will take a look at our own yonis, and find out what types we are according to the Quodoushka tradition, just for fun. (As found in the book The Sexual Practices of Quodoushka: Teachings from the Nagual Tradition by Amara Charles).* We will give each other blessings for healing and enjoyment in our sexuality, by decorating our yonis and making them an altar of beauty.Bring hand mirrors, sarongs, flowers, snacks, fold out pads/blankets and pillows, and lovely jewelry to adorn our yonis. Invite women friends!$25- 40 suggested donation. 3 hoursplease pre-register with Amara for location
Sacred Sexual Healing Massage Practicefor Women6-10 pm Tues Aug 26th, Portland(looking for a location… would you like to host this?)This class is a chance to practice the techniques of sacred massage to the pelvis, perineum and genital area, with the intent of nurturing and releasing trauma. It is open to anyone who has attended a training in Sacred Sexual Healing massage with Amara or others.This massage is extremely powerful and effective to prepare for birthing, to increase sexual vitality, open orgasmic responses and for the general health of the pelvic area.We will trade guided sessions with each other. Also included is dance and Taoist qigong.Attend with a trusted friend to practice with, or find someone in the class. No partner needed if you are willing to be open to working with a women you meet there. Be comfortable with group nudity and emotional release work. This practice is intense and deep, so some previous experience in healing, bodywork and emotional work is needed.Bring lube, a sheet, massage oil, a small blanket, a massage table if you have one.4 hours $30-50 per person sliding scale. Some trade is possible.call Amara at 808 982 6755 to pre-register. Limited to 12 women. in PortlandAbout Amara Karuna:Amara has been studying healing since 1978, was a licensed masseuse in Oregon, having studied Swedish, Esalen and deep bodywork, Polarity and pressure point release. She was trained in psychic reading, healing and meditation, and taught Re-evaluation Co-counseling, a method of peer counseling, for over five years, and has been studying and practicing it since 1983. In 1994 she began developing her own approach to peer counseling, called Wholistic Peer Support, integrating many ideas from RC with spiritual meditation practices, psychic healing and body centered techniques. Since 2003 she has been studying and teaching Tantra and sacred spot work with various teachers on the Hawaiian Islands. She has studied 6 kinds of sexual healing modalities.
Amara Wahaba Karuna PO Box 1430 Pahoa, HI 96778
For info on trainings and services 808-982-6755 cellart and Goddess clothing, music, books, children’s books
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